I would like to make library work my career in Finland. I am currently working in a Finnish library as "määräaika" until the end of this year. I also worked 11…


I would like to make library work my career in Finland. I am currently working in a Finnish library as "määräaika" until the end of this year. I also worked 11 years in United States libraries. I do not have the educational requirements, only a high school diploma. I tried to get into the Oulu university for library sciences and I cannot pass the enterance exam. What else would you suggest for me if I cannot enter a university? I currently live in North Karelia.
Thank you,


Last updated

There is a list of institutions giving information and library services education at the Kirjastot.fi web site http://www.kirjastot.fi/kirjastoala/opiskelu/
Most of the degree programs take students at the annual application period but some giving information and library services apprenticeship training have continuous application. Apprentice should have or find the apprenticeship-employer by herself. A list of Finnish public libraries and there contact details are at the site http://hakemisto.kirjastot.fi/en/# and other libraries http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/libraries/ In Joensuu there are, besides the Joensuu regional library , University of Eastern Finland Library http://www.uef.fi/en/kirjasto/etusivu, Medical Library of the North Karelia Hospital District http://extra.pkssk.fi/html/tieteellinen_kirjasto/paasivu_eng.html and Karelia University of Applied Sciences Library http://www.karelia.fi/en/for-students/library-and-information-services
Information of apprenticeship training in North Karelia and Finland is at the web site http://www.pkky.fi/Resource.phx/pkky/aiko-uus/opso/index.htx ja http://www.hyvadiili.fi/
Information, advice and guidance services of adult education in North Karelia http://www.aikuiskoulutuksenvoima.fi/
Pohjois-Karjalan työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto Employment and Economic Development Office of North Karelia http://toimistot.te-palvelut.fi/pohjois-karjala
Employment and Economic Development Offices and Emploiment services http://www.te-palvelut.fi/mol/en/index.jsp

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