I would like to get info on the karaoke booth at Tikkurilan. I would like to know what it looks like - if you can be seen from other patrons when you sing, and…


I would like to get info on the karaoke booth at Tikkurilan.
I would like to know what it looks like - if you can be seen from other patrons when you sing, and how you control if only one person gets in, if it is accessible for children, if you can record what you sing there, how much use the booth has seen and the cost and the procedure to pick the Equipment etc.
My colleagues at the Library here in Belgium think it is a good idea but we need as much info as we can before asking the boss if we can get one.
Thank you


Last updated

Karaoke is sung in a soundproof room, that was originaly used as a listening room. Other customers can't see inside. The room fits about 20 customers and you can come to sing alone or with your friends. We have organised a karaoke clubs for younger patrons with library staff supervising. So far it seems that karaoke service is very popular, with many new patrons coming to the music department. Unfortunately I don't have exact statistic at the moment. We'll be making those available later.

At the moment it is not possible to record your singing. It has been however requested by several customers and recording possibility will be available later.

The cost of the service depends on the selection of songs. Currently we have a selection of 3300 song for which we pay a monthly licence fee of 300€. In addition a PA-system is needed, which start form few hundred euros depending on the model chosen. For more information please contact Tikkurila library at tikkurila.kirjasto@vantaa.fi

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