I am doing a research on Ivan Timiriasew, russian photographer in Finland, who used to live in Helsinki inbetween 1890-1927. He used to work as a…


I am doing a research on Ivan Timiriasew, russian photographer in Finland, who used to live in Helsinki inbetween 1890-1927.
He used to work as a photojournalist in two newspapers:Veckans Krönika and Suomen Kuvalehti. I wonder if I can find somewhere archive of these newspapers and examples with Timiriasew's works in libraries of Helsinki.
Thank you!


Last updated

We have these magazines (they are magazines, not newspapers) in the HelMet book stacks in Pasila library:


There are also collections of his photograph in Museovirasto (National Board of Antiquities)and in Helsingin kaupunginmuseo (Helsinki city Museum)



There are also information of him in the websites of Suomen valokuvataiteen museo (The Finnish Museum of Photography), but unfortunately just in Finnish:


You can find some photographs of Ivan Timiriasev from the websites of Museovirasto:


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