Dear Librarian, I have returned the books that I had borrowed. Why they are not cleared from my account and I need to pay for them? This has happened quite a…


Dear Librarian,
I have returned the books that I had borrowed. Why they are not cleared from my account and I need to pay for them? This has happened quite a few times on my account. I do not understand why this could have happened.
Now I learnt to save the receipts so that I could have proof to show that the books were indeed returned earlier.
Does the library implement procedures to ensure returned books are properly cleared from the clients' account and returned back to the shelves? Will it be possible to identify what went wrong in the process.
I trusted that the system works most of the time. I may be just the unlucky fews that need to raise this types of complaints.




I am deeply sorry that your returning progress hasn´t been working as it should. I recommend you to call to your local library and find out what happened there. Here we don´t solve out client´s loaning and returning issues because of the information security. 

All libraries have machines where you can borrow and return your loans. Librarians will advice you more about these things at your local library. You can check information, locations and phone numbers from libraries here:

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