What is the best book - in english - describing the Winter War of 1939 between Finland and Russia. Seeking volume describing heroic and brave efforts made by…


What is the best book - in english - describing the Winter War of 1939 between Finland and Russia. Seeking volume describing heroic and brave efforts made by finnish against overwhelming superiority of russian forces.


Last updated

It's difficult to name the best one, but here is 3 newest ones that we have in our collection:
Trotter, William R.: A frozen hell: the Russo-Finnish winter war of 1939-1940. Chapel Hill (N.C.): Algonquin books of Chapel Hill, 1991.
Van Dyke, Carl: The Soviet invasion of Finland 1939-40. London: Franks Cass, 1997
and by an Finnish historian:
Vehviläinen, Olli: Finland in the Second world war: between Germany and Russia. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002.

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