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Do libraries charge patrons for overdue materials? 81 Public libraries in Finland do charge patrons for overdue materials. The fee is not the same in every library, for example in Turku it is 30 cents/loan/day and in Helsinki it is 20 cents/loan/day. Also, at least in these two libraries, you don't need to pay overdue fees for childrens' books. There is also a maximum overdue fee per loan (in Turku 9 € and in Helsinki 6 €) so even if your loan is overdue for a longer time you don't have to pay more than that. If you can't return the loan at all, you'll have to compensate for the item (how much depends usually on how expensive the item was and if it was very new or old and worn).
In Turku public libraries, do teachers have to take 1st grade school children to the libraries to make children their library cards? In Helsinki, I think so… 81 A first grader can get a library card with a library card application form that one of the parents/guardians has filled in and signed. A teacher can not sign the form on behalf of the parent/guardian. The form can also be found online on our website vaski.finna.fi. A child can get a library card when visiting a library with a teacher if they have the signed form with them. The card has to be retrieved from a library, we do not deliver them to schools.
I am in tampere. I borrowed the book from korso helmet liberary. How do I renew the loan? 152 Books from the Helmet libraries can only be returned to one of their own libraries. If you have not saved an email address to your library card, you can only reset your pin number in-person at the service counter of any Helmet library. If creating a new pincode is not working for other reasons, get in contact with the Helmet libraries directly. This is done by going to their website - Libraries and services | Helmet - and selecting a library, which provides the phone number and e-mail contact details for particular libraries within the Helmet network. They can further assist you on creating a new pin code and may be able to renew your loans remotely, provided they do not have reservations.
What are some universities in Finland that offer a bachelor's or master's degree in Library and Information Science? 537 Kirjastot.fi has compiled a list of universities and vocational schools which offer education in either librarianship or information science more broadly. Unfortunately the page is only available in Finnish, but it links directly to the websites of different schools that detail what education they offer within the subjects - https://www.kirjastot.fi/kirjastoala/opiskelu/. At university level currently the most well-known places for information science are Tampere University, University of Oulu, and Åbo Akademi (which is a Swedish speaking university in Finland). Certain universities offer degrees (both bachelor's and master's) fully in English, with some giving possibilities for students to write their thesis in either English, Finnish,…
I accidentally returned a game and forgot to put the SD card in the box. I need to return the actual game, how can I do that? 118 It is best to get directly in contact with the library that the SD card belongs to. Assuming it was borrowed from one of the Helmet libraries you could contact their customer service through their website or bring the SD card to the library from which it was borrowed in person. To find the contact details for your own library, if it is part of the Helmet group, go to this website Libraries and services | Helmet and choose your library, which will give you the contact details for that particular location.
My daughter is learning the piano. Would it be possible for her to play the piano at the library? 113 Yes it is possible to book the music room of Turku main library.https://www.turku.fi/en/turku-city-library/services/other-services The booking is made through this website: https://varaamo.turku.fi/search?purpose=photo-and-audio  You need to log in with your library card and password.
Tietoja kirjojen lainausmääristä löytyy, mutta onko mihinkään koottu tietoja kirjastojen varattavien esineiden lainausmääristä kunnittain? 135 Esineitä ei tilastoida erikseen Suomen yleisten kirjastojen tilastoihin Suomen yleisten kirjastojen tilastot (kirjastot.fi) vaan ne sisältyvät muut aineistot -kategoriaan, johon sisältyvät myös esim. digitaaliset pelit ja moniviestimet. Vaski-kirjastojen osalta voimme antaa seuraavat luvut: kaikkien Vaski-kirjastojen esinelainaus: 2018                    10851 2019                    11527 2020                    7727 2021                    2964 Vaski-kirjastoihin kuuluvat Kaarinan, Kustavin, Laitilan, Liedon, Maskun, Mynämäen, Naantalin, Nousiaisen, Paimion, Pyhärannan, Raision, Ruskon, Salon, Sauvon, Taivassalon, Turun, Uudenkaupungin ja Vehmaan kirjastot. erikseen Turku: 2018                    8396 2019                   …
Can I make a new music cd request? Lee Perry 'Heavy Rain'? Thank you 87 Hello! We have now received your request. I have sent it to the person who purchases reggae CD:s.  In the future, if you want to make any request, it's better to make your request here: https://vaski.finna.fi/Content/asiakkaana?lng=en-gb#hankintaehdotus Petri Kipinä/Music Library
Can the catalogue 'Mind-Building' of the Finnish Pavilion for the Architectural Exhibition 2018 be physically purchased? 436 Architecture Information Centre Finland informed me that there is only a very limited amount of the catalogue printed and they are primarily meant for the exhibition's use in Venice. They try to pass some on to the libraries that are involved in it, but at least for now you can't unfortunately buy the catalogue anywhere. http://archinfo.fi/en/
Does it cost to print in the library? If I need to print many pages should i bring my own printing paper? 416 If you're visiting Turku city libraries on normal opening hours then you don't need to bring any printing paper with you. It then costs 20 cents per page to print (i.e. 40 cents per double-sided printing). The price is the same whether you print in color or in black and white. If, on the other hand, you are visiting one of the branch libraries during its open hours when there's no staff present, then you actually do need to bring your paper with you. At this situation there's no additional fee for printing of course.
I'm looking for my roots, and I would like to know if it's possible to have a death's certificat for my gr gr uncle ? He's dead 31 /01/ 1908 at Vaasa. He was… 444 Hello You can contact Statistics Finland and The National Archives of Finland to find more about your uncle's death and ask if they can find his death certificate. Vaasa's church registry office can also help you. I'll leave contact information to all of these here. The links should lead you to English versions of the sites but if they don't you can change the language from the top of the pages. Statistics Finland http://tilastokeskus.fi/org/yhteystiedot/index_en.html The National Archives of Finland http://www.arkisto.fi/en/info-4/info-5 Vaasa church registry office email: vaasan.kirkkoherranvirasto@evl.fi
I am looking for book that help me in preparation of the exam, the exam is related to Finnish license to practice medicine in Finland. the exam will be in… 644 At least the following books deal with clinical examination and might be useful for you (they can all be found in the Turku city library): Kliinisen tutkimuksen etiikka : opas tutkijoille ja eettisille toimikunnille (2015). Kliinisen tutkijan opas (2000). Kliininen hoitotyö : sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoito (2012). Potilaan tutkiminen (2009). Kliinisen fysiologian perusteet (2012). Toimintakyky : arviointi ja kliininen käyttö (2004). Sairaan hyvä lääkäri (2012). Lääkäriksi (2007).
What are the roles of shool library in improving the reading habit of secondary school students 561 In Finland municipalities are not obligated to have school libraries. Most schools have a library although they may be outdated and have a rather modest collection. Many schools cooperate with the public library. Some municipalities have their own information literacy curriculum which schools and libraries have compiled together. Accordingly to the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education organizations like museums, sport facilities, art centra, public libraries are seen as learning environments. For more reading on the subject: Finnish National Agency for Education http://www.oph.fi/english Curricula and qualifications > General upper secondary education link: National Core Curriculum for General Secondary Education Intended for…
I am writing an academic article about public libraries and I need to send out my online questionnaires to Finnish public librarians. Who should I contact or… 820 There are several possibilities where to send your online questionnaires, depending on the nature of your survey. You have to decide to whom you want to send your questionnaires. You could think about whether you would like to send the questionnaires for the library administration (library directors etc.) or individual librarians. It could also be useful to think which libraries you want to include. The provincial libraries are the libraries that are in charge of the public library service in their regions. In addition to them, there are several smaller libraries and branch libraries. Frank Metasearch -site includes a list of all Finnish public libraries and provincial libraries: http://monihaku.kirjastot.fi/en/. After deciding which…
I'm a traveler from Taiwan, and I'm a librarian in the elementary school. I heard the library in Finland is very nice. I will go to Finland next week, I have … 1022 Since I don't know which library you are going to, I can't give you a specific answer. Many public libraries will let you take photographs, but to be on the safe side, ask the staff when you get there if photographing is alright.
I'm looking for some historical results (more complete than possible) of cross country skiing. The races are: - 50 km men Finnish Championship (Kuopio) 1972 … 943 The best books to look for older information in, are the Mitä Missä Milloin – kansalaisen vuosikirja –books. They are published every year on the events of the previous year. So information regarding cross country skiing on a Finnish championship event in 1972, can be found in the book’s sports section of the following year, Mitä Missä Milloin 1973. Some of this information can also be found on Wikipedia. Men’s Finnish Championship’s 50 km event in 1972 (Kuopio): First place Kalevi Oikarainen (time 2.44.10). Second place Ahti Nevala (time 2.46.45) and third place Reino Tamper (time 2.46.53). http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiihdon_Suomen-mestaruuskilpailut_1972 Men’s Finnish Championship events in 1973 (Kurikka) 15 km First place Juha Mieto…
Is there any possibility that I can use musical instrument in the library? 706 Hello! There is in fact a possibility to play a instrument in library. The music library has a playing room, that you can reserve for a hour at a time. In the room there's an acoustic and an electric piano. But you are free to bring your own instrument as well. You can visit the music library at the 2nd floor of the old building at the main library, or call the music library's customer service number 02-262 0658 to make the reservation.
I'm researching library in Finland. I have two questions. Question 1: When and where the first library was established in Finland? One source says that … 1163 Both answers are correct in a way. In 1794, the first "public" library, Vaasan lukukirjasto, the Vaasa Reading Society, was founded. "Although the Reading Society was originally meant for its members or partners, other people were also allowed to borrow books for payment. The Reading Society in Vaasa was thus both a “proprietary” and “subscription” library. It is a rather new idea to consider the Vaasa Reading Society to be the beginning of public libraries in Finland. It is usually thought that libraries which provided reading for the Finnish-speaking less-educated majority were the predecessors of public libraries in Finland. However, reading societies at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, which were an undertaking…
Kes on nende luuleridade autor ja mis on luuletuse pealkiri. "See kevad tuleb teisiti, tiu-tiu ja teisiti" 914 Ask a Librarian provides answers in three languages: Finnish, Swedish and English. Ques-tions in other languages can only be answered if there happens to be a person available who is capable of giving professional service in that language. About Ask a Librarian see also, http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/ask_librarian/about/ . You might find help in the National Library of Estonia, information about services here http://www.nlib.ee/32825
図書館員の皆様、 日本語の本や雑誌等、資料がどれほどヘルシンキ、又は、トゥルクの図書館にあるかどうか知りたいのですが、教えて頂けますでしょうか? 484 Ask a Librarian provides answers in three languages: Finnish, Swedish and English. Ques-tions in other languages can only be answered if there happens to be a person available who is capable of giving professional service in that language. About Ask a Librarian see also, http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/ask_librarian/about/ .