This question addresses to the webmaster. Good morning, I am trying to find a kantele music heard years ago on the internet. Timo Väänänen plays "Mid the hills…


This question addresses to the webmaster.

Good morning,
I am trying to find a kantele music heard years ago on the internet. Timo Väänänen plays "Mid the hills of Karelia".

broken link ==>

Would you tell me please what is the problem ?
Sites and pages changed and/or disappeared ?

Is it possible to hear somewhere this beautiful and moving recording ?


Last updated

The site Virtual Finland has changed and it's called thisisFinland now . The links referring the the old Virtual Finland are broken. Unfortunately a great part of the old contents have disappeared. I tried to locate the Kantele recording of "Karjalan kunnailla" by Timo Väänänen on Internet, but i found only information about the records by Timo Väänänen. This piece was'nt on his reocrds. I found an older recording of the song accompanied by kantele from the 1950's in Youtube,, with the search Karjalan kunnailla kantele (Anna Mutanen Karjalan kunnailla). In a music store recordings of the song could be found, but not the kantele-version .

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