Terve! I am taking part in Helmet Reading Challenge 2021 and would like to ask for assistance. Could you recommend a book about an LGBT+ family? Either fiction…


I am taking part in Helmet Reading Challenge 2021 and would like to ask for assistance.
Could you recommend a book about an LGBT+ family? Either fiction of non-fiction are fine, as long as it is available in English.

Thank you!


Last updated

If you are in Helmet-region, following books could be of interest, 

This is how it always is / Laurie Frankel. Headline Review 2018.

Girl, woman, other / Bernardine Evaristo. Hamish Hamilton 2019.

The guncle : a novel / Steven Rowley. G. P. Putnam's Sons [2021] (new book, available at present only as audio).

Meet me in another life / Catriona Silvey. HarperCollins 2021 (also new currently only as e-book). These two are coming to the library printed book also.

The problem is that if you are using the library in Kajaani, your choices are fewer. None of these books seem to be available in Kainet, https://kainet.finna.fi/. I tried to find other material in English there, but did'nt find anything, not even biographies. Everything was in Finnish. The only book i found which remotely has contact with the theme was The picture of Dorian Gray and the complete short stories by Oscar Wilde, https://kainet.finna.fi/Record/kainet.779033. I would'nt describe it as LGBT+ family -book, but since there is nothing else, it could perhaps be your choice with an explanation about the situation in Kajaani library collection.

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