Olen 'Inkerilaisten Viesti' aikauslehden etsimassa. I need a number of articles copied & will be in HKI one day next week to do so, if I can find the series!


Moi, olen 'Inkerilaisten Viesti' aikauslehden etsimassa. I need a number of articles copied & will be in HKI one day next week to do so, if I can find the series!


Last updated

The latest five numbers of Inkeriläisten viesti can be read at the link below:
Also, do cantact the Inkeri society for futher information at toimisto@inkerikeskus.fi
The Inkerläisten viesti can be found at the Leppävaara library in Espoo in the Helsinki metropolitan area, and you night also find it at the publisher's office

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