May I please know how and where can I access the latest information about the refugees and migrants in Finland and in particular in Turku? Thank you.


Hello. May I please know how and where can I access the latest information about the refugees and migrants in Finland and in particular in Turku? Thank you.


Last updated

Statistics on asylum and refugees are compiled by the Finnish Immigration Service:…

Information on immigrants living permanently in Finland can be found on Statistics Finland's website:
Information on immigration can also be found on Statistics Finland's statistics on migration:
Please note that the statistics compiled by the Finnish Immigration Service and Statistics Finland are not comparable. Asylum seekers and refugees will show in Statistics Finland's population statistics only if they have been granted an asylum and have a permanent place of residence. Also, there is often some delay in statistics – for example, if an asylum seeker who came to Finland in September 2015 is granted an asylum or a residence permit in March 2016, their immigration will show in the population statistics in 2016. Since the reason for immigration is not listed in the population register, there is no information available in Statistics Finland's register-based statistics on whether a person is a refugee.
Information about refugees and migrants in Turku can be inquired from Southwest Finland ELY Centre:

Information about population structure in Turku can be found on the City of Turku website:

Population in Turku on 31st of December 2016
Total: 187,604
Other languages than Finnish and Swedish: 10.6 %
Foreign nationals: 6.4 %
You could also look at the following tables on the City of Turku website (unfortunately in Finnish and Swedish only):

Population according to nationality 31.12.2011-2016  

Population according to language and age 31.12.2016

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