library catalogues

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Is there a CO2 monitor or Indoor air quality monitor available at the library for loan? 202 Unfortunately no Helmet library has an air quality monitor for loan at the moment. Although you can find such a tool in the Helmet catalogue, there seems to be no working equipment left now. Hopefully in the future again?  In the Helmet search you can browse all objects and tools for loan at the Helmet libraries, from sport equipment to drill machines, by using * (star) as a search term and then restricting your search to objects only:*%29%20f%3Aq__Orightresult__U?lang=eng&suite=cobalt   
My name is Mika and with a couple of friends we have developed where users easily can get information where they can among other things borrow… 185 If i understood correctly, you are searching for a possibility to find materials, especially games, in every (public) libraries in one "catalogue". There is, which contains a great part of Finnish library materials, but not quite all of it yet. You can see how Finna looks like here, Finna has an own developers-Wiki, Maybe you can find the information you need there, or at least contact persons. You can send mail to An other way to find library materials in one search is the metasearch of, Here the problem is that since the metasearch searches on different databases with different kinds of solutions in…
I'd like to know whether the Finnish libraries have a central catalogue, open to everyone, to check in which Finnish library a book is to be found. Fot… 623 You can localize materials in Finnish libraries using Frank Multisearch (see the link below). You can find library books and other materials from almost all the Finnish libraries that are open and also from several different databases simultaneously.
Please could you tell me whether there are English books, fiction and drama, to loan in the library at Sello? If not, could you please let me know if there is… 1629 We have some dramatic literature in English (especially classic plays by Shakespeare and others) at the Sello library, plus, of course, lots of non-dramatic fiction in English language. For a complete list of drama available in the Helsinki region public libraries, you can use the English-language HelMet Web Library at . Choose "Other searches", select from the search menu: "Espoo class" and then type into the search box the library class for English-language plays: "5.3". Or you could use this direct link… You could also use the advanced search option, use a keyword *näytelmät" (meaning plays and drama in Finnish) and…