
8 results. Showing 1–8 hits.
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Good morning, My name is Alfonso Morillas, and I am writing from Spain to ask you a question. I'm looking for fiction books, written by authors or your country… 185 Here are some fiction books about football by finnish authors - Amerikkalainen / Meri Kuusisto: - Zombie / Jari Järvelä: - San Siron uneksija / Jukka Pakkanen: - Huuhkaja lentää aurinkoon / Pauli Kallio, Pentti Otsamo: - Futistarinoita / FC Kynä: - Pallomaapallo : haikuja jalkapallon MM-kisoista / Markus…
I am looking for library good practices in area of providing adult fiction reviews outside of Slovenia. So I am writing to ask you for some more information… 879 We have a major project in this area, which was started a few years ago and which has already gained an audience among readers. It is a site called Kirjasampo, . It is produced by public libraries. Kirjasampo includes information about fiction authors and their books, recencions on literature, new and older, and also advice how to find the books you are interested in at our public libraries. It is also possible for readers to write own reading recommendations in Kirjasampo. The books have been described with keywords and thus it it possible to search books about special themes and topics. Kirjasampo gathers also finnish literature blogs, . Unfortunately the site…
Please could you tell me whether there are English books, fiction and drama, to loan in the library at Sello? If not, could you please let me know if there is… 1605 We have some dramatic literature in English (especially classic plays by Shakespeare and others) at the Sello library, plus, of course, lots of non-dramatic fiction in English language. For a complete list of drama available in the Helsinki region public libraries, you can use the English-language HelMet Web Library at . Choose "Other searches", select from the search menu: "Espoo class" and then type into the search box the library class for English-language plays: "5.3". Or you could use this direct link… You could also use the advanced search option, use a keyword *näytelmät" (meaning plays and drama in Finnish) and…
I know the story about Seija Mattsson from Ola Tungesvik whom I met in Jan.2003 in Tenerife where I spent my vacation. I tried to find English versions of all… 3412 Ola Tungesviks book about Seija Mattsson was originally written in Norwegian ( Om jeg får vaere lykkelig…). The book has been translated to Finnish by the name Jos vain saan olla onnellinen…: tosi kertomus rakkaudesta by Tarja Teva 1999. Finnish Swede writer Gunnar Mattsson has also written about his wife Seija Mattsson (Prinsessan, 1965), and that book has been translated to English by the name The Princess.
I am searching for a complete list of which finnish authors (novels) who have been translated into danish! Can you please help me???? 862 Thank you for your enquiry. The complete list of Danish translations of Finnish novels and poems is listed on Finnish Literature Society's webpage. The database is maintained by FILI (Finnish Literature Exchange). The address is following: You should just choose "Tanska" (=Danish) from the "Käännöksen kieli" (=the language of translation) menu. Then you have to click grey button "Hae" (=search) below. As a result you will have all the Danish translations of Finnish literature from year 1845 to 2006. FILI has also new unfinished database that lists all the published translations from the year 2007. There is also English version of that new database: In…
Can you help me find a list of sixth grade reading books that doesn't include poetry but does include fiction non- fiction, and classics Thanks 801 Scottsdale public library has listed some books for 6th-graders: . Some schools have made their own lists of recommended literature, for example . Some book pulblishers have also listed their suggestions: . It’s not difficult to find more in the Internet using any search engine by using such search terms as ‘book lists’ and ‘6th grade’. In Helsinki City Library librarians have listed book tips for each grade: They are in Finnish, but there are some originally English books on the list for 5th and 6th grade pupils:…
For my masters dissertation I am researching into how Public Libraries classify adult fiction books.I would be interested to know how Finnish libraries… 711 Hello! Finnish public libraries use genres when classifying adult fiction. Most used way is to separate few well known genres from the fiction stock. In Kallio branchlibrary we have separated crime (detective novels), horror, science fiction, fantasy, romance, war, humor and hunting (fishing & hunting)novels. Rest of the books are normally on the self, and e. g. translated literature and finnish literature are on the same shelf. Some libraries might use more genres e.g. Kuhmo library. It´s not common to classify the whole fiction stock. Content description and subject indexing of novels helps in fiction retrieval. I couldn`t find scientific material in english. Here in one web-dissertation. It is in finnish, but there is an english…
Can u give the information about the "researchers dig into hell" which they heard a sound from hell. can you give me the information. Thank you. There's an… 863 Hello there! Because you know so exactly the name of the article you can give us little bit more information where you have heard about it. I searched with Internet search services and some other sources - no result. If I may say my opinion this "article" is more like a short story or novel than research or fact. Kind of a horror story If I may guess. So we here in the library try to search it from fiction shelves. Little bit extra information from your side couldn't do any harm. With regards Librarian