Digital Reference Service
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I would like to know if there are digital reference services, such us "Ask a librarian", and managed by school libraries whose target is the educational… |
984 |
There aren't any digital reference services in Finland managed by high school libraries, most of the school libraries are quite small and they haven't organized co-operational service either. Some school libraries work together with public libraries, for instance Hätila library, and they offer our Ask a librarian on their webpages. Some school libraries offer information service by email. This reference service, Ask a librarian, is managed by public libraries in Finland and is also targeted to high school students as well as every other citizen.
There are other ask-services in Finland operated by libraries, you can find a list here,… ,… |
I want to know about your virtual reference service? |
1152 |
Ask a Librarian is the joint digital reference service of Finnish libraries. It’s situated in the site, the national library portal for Finnish libraries. is produced by Helsinki City Library (National Development Unit) and it’s financed by the Ministry of Education. The Ask a Librarian started in the year 1999. Answers are given in three languages: Finnish, Swedish and English. Ask a Librarian has a public archive, where answers are stored and can be used by other information seekers. The archive also exists in three languages, here is the link to the english version .
The question is sent in via a web form, the answer is delivered to the email-address given by the customer.… |
Information about this service? How can we plan for new digital reference in a library? |
1665 |
You can find information on this service at… It's the archive of this service and there are answers to several similar questions than yours.
Information on your second question:
Ifla Digital reference guidelines
Overview on services in 2009…
Virtual reference best practices : tailoring services to your library by M. Kathleen Kern.
Chicago : American Library Association, 2009.
The virtual reference handbook : interview and information delivery techniques for the chat and e-mail environments / Diane K. Kovacs.
London : Facet, 2007.
At Google Books… |
Which sort of gestional software do you use for this digital reference service? |
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Our software is a product specially made for our use upon a programme basis named Meteor. It is planned and produced in Finland by Sininen Meteoriitti, Blue Meteorite,, in cooperation with an other Finnish firm Connexor, which is specialised in semantic web tools.
I'm looking for information about the values in librarianship in Finland, especially the values in reference services. Perhaps there's even some information… |
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The Helsinki City Library has published Values of library work in it's pages, .
I suppose the same values concern the Reference Services, too. About the Ask a Librarian you can read some guidelines on our infomation page, . Our main values are the same as usually in the libraries, specially i could name equality, confidentiality, and of course quality (relevant answers) and delivering the answer within the time rate, as quickly as possible.
For more information on finnish Digital Reference Services (Libraries), see… .