Lapponica-reference service

Lapland, Sámi and the Finnish origin peoples, northern and arctic regions, their history, nature, languages and cultures. 

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How can I connect with a historian over the internet in Kittila, Finland? 485 Kittilä is a minor place, it very likely that there are no historians who are specialized in Kittilä history. Since you gave information about your family, i guess you are interested in your family history. I would recommend you to contact the Kittila parish for more information. A helpful source of information to a genealogist in Finland is Sukututkimusseura (The Genealogical Society of Finland) and their database Hiski:… It is also worth looking of the parish register of Kittilä: email address to Kittilä parish is…
What is Ask a librarian service? what is the relevance of the service Ask a librarian? where or what source can i find information regarding Ask a librarian… 1731 Ask a Librarian is the joint digital reference service of Finnish libraries. It’s situated in the site, the national library portal for Finnish libraries. is produced by the Central Library for Public Libraries in Finland, which is Helsinki City Library and it’s financed by the Ministry of Education. The Ask a Librarian started in the year 1999. Answers are given in three languages: Finnish, Swedish and English. Ask a Librarian has a public archive, where answers are stored and can be used by other information seekers. The archive also exists in three languages, . The question is sent in via a web form, the answer is delivered to the email-address given by the customer.…
Santa's birthplace and birth year 542 There are a lot of stories about Santa Claus´ history. It's known that there lived the bishop Nicolaus at the 300 century in Turkey who liked children and then Nicolaus´day 6.12. was the celebration day when kids got presents. Joulupukki/Santa Claus as an old man with grey and long beard began his journey to Finland´s homes during 19th century. Finland´s radio declared Korvatunturi as the home of our Joulupukki in the year 1927. He lives there even today with his family although he himself also spends a lot of time here in Rovaniemi at the Santa Claus village: In the old times (pagan times) Santa Claus was a different character from todays´s. He/she was more like an animal, a buck and called…
Cual es la flor autentica de groenlandia 3068 El origen de las flores de Groenlandia es generalmente Europa, pero la flor nacional de Groenlandia, Niviarsiaq (Chamaenerion latifolium), origenates de America del Norte. La flora de Groenlandia es del mismo tipo que la flora en la zona arctica.…
I am comparing folklore customs for the time when a child has pulled a primary or "baby" tooth. I would like to know if the Sami have a tradition for such a… 283 I have found a few short mentions about the sami beliefs or stories about the loss of the first tooth as a child. Schefferus, also in English: The history of Lapland (orig. 1674), chapter 26: Of their childbearing. He refers to Samuel Rheen and in the book: En kortt relation om lapparnes lefwarne och sedher,... (Uppsala 1897) Rheen writes about that belief at least on page 9 in chapter: Om barnssens Vpfostrande och vptuchtellsse and on page 14 in the chapter: Huru the inbördes ärfwa hwar... The child gets a reindeer of his own from the person who first sees the first tooth. T.I Itkonen writes about the thing in Suomen lappalaiset part 2, p. 394. He tells the same story about the gift to the child: The father of the child gives the child a…