I would like to know where to go to look up a surname for geneology research. The name is Juola.


I would like to know where to go to look up a surname for geneology research. The name is Juola.


Last updated

Find out about a name by looking it up in books or atlases on surnames. The name Juola points either to Ostrobothnia or to the far east, to Ruokolahti. Juolan talo, the Juola house, was known in the 16th century in Kalajoki. The name seems to have been Juvala or Juvola at first, which means that the patron of the house was called Johannes(=Juva).

To find out more about a name you should go to the Genealogical Society of Finland's website. The adress is www.genealogia.fi. Find the articles under the heading Personal Names. Then give the HisKi -church records database a try. Here's a way to go:
1)click on search program
2)choose All
3)choose Christened
4)write the name where the Father's last name is asked for
5)click on Submit

You can also approach the Genealogical Society by e-mail or write a question on one of their mailing lists. You might also want to send an e-mail to the Population Register Centre at http://www.vaestorekisterikeskus.fi/vrk/home.nsf/pages/index_eng

Good look with your search!

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