I want to visit Finland this winter to learn why your country is excelling ours in digital technology. Do you have any advice for me/. Do you recommend any…


I want to visit Finland this winter to learn why your country is excelling ours in digital technology. Do you have any advice for me/. Do you recommend any books explaining the digital revolution in Finland. I was thinking of starting by touring the major companies, Nokia, etc.


Last updated

General information about Finland and also about information technology in Finland you can find in Virtual Finland http://virtual.finland.fi

There is at least tree organisations, which you could check out:
*Sitra, the Finnish National Fund for Research and Development http://sitra.tjhosting.com/eng
*Tekes, the National Technology Agency http://www.tekes.fi
*Fintra http://www.fintra.fi

These organisations have publicatins also in Internet for excample:
Quality of life, knowledge and competitiveness Premises and objectives for strategic development of the Finnish information society
more you can find in their pages.

Ministry of Trade and Industry http://www.vn.fi/ktm/eng and Ministry of Transport and Communications http://www.mintc.fi/www/sivut/english have also some analysis about digital technology in Finland. See the pages.

Here is two books in English, which you can find in http://www.amazon.com
*Steinbock, Dan: The Nokia revolution - the story of an extraordinary company that transformed an industry.
*Big Shots, Business the Nokia Way: Secrets of the World's Fastest Moving Company

More books about issue:
*The Finnish model of the information society, M. Castells, P. Himanen
*High technology Finland 2001 /[publ. by the Finnish Academies of Technology
*Nokia - a big company in a small country / Jyrki Ali-Yrkkö ... [et al.] Taloustieto, [Helsinki], 2000 Etla. B. 162.

Maybe they have Ebsco -database http://www.epnet.com in your home library or some other fulltext article databases. Search - telecommunications Finland- or -Nokia Finland- gives for excample fulltext articles:
*A Finnish fable, Economist, 10/14/2000, Vol. 357 Issue 8192, p83, 3p,
*Finland is now Nokialand, Institutional Investor, Jun2001, Vol. 35 Issue 6p, p75, 8p

Finally here is some useful links like Nokia and some Universities:
http://www.nokia.com/main.html http://lib.hut.fi/index-en.html
http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/index.en.html http://www.vtt.fi/indexe.htm http://www.info.uta.fi/winsoc/index.htm

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