I`m sudent of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts at faculty of information resources. I write degree work on a theme " Digital services in…


Hi! I`m sudent of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts at faculty of information resources. I write degree work on a theme " Digital services in libraries of Finland ". Can you help me to find any new publications and articles in english (2004-2006) on this theme?


Last updated

There are very few publications concerning Digital Services
of Finnish Libraries 2004-2006, but i hope the next articles will help you to find some information about digital services:
1. http://www.lib.helsinki.fi/finelib/koulutus/Tempus.html
5.http://www.lib.helsinki.fi/finelib/digilib/pps.html (articles: Hormia-Poutanen, Kristiina: Digital library users and usage patterns in Finland. Kortelainen, Terttu: Informetic viewpoint to national digital library material.

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