I'm looking a magazine "Water Supply Vol.7 BARCELONA,PP149-154, 1989" .There is a artice "To remove the algae in the drinking water" -Reserch report in Finland


I'm looking a magazine "Water Supply Vol.7 BARCELONA,PP149-154, 1989" .There is a artice "To remove the algae in the drinking water" -Reserch report in Finland


Last updated

Hi Linda,
At first I apologize, that it took so long to answer, but here's some information:

At the Tampere University of Technology they have Water Supply magazine, so You can ask either your nearest library to make a interlibrary reguest (Phone number just for sure: Interlibrary services +358 -3 -3115 3133)

or get in touch with Water Science & Technology (former Water Supply) magazine. Publisher's E-mail is publication@iwap.co.uk You find more information and online magazines also in page http://www.iwapublishing.com/template.cfm?name=iwapjournals but unfortunately they don't have such an old number in the net.

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