I am writing a paper on multiculturality in Finnland. I am especially interested in the role of the Finnish public libraries in promoting the multiculturality…


I am writing a paper on multiculturality in Finnland. I am especially interested in the role of the Finnish public libraries in promoting the multiculturality and helping the immigrants.
Can you, please, send me some information on the subject?


Last updated

The Helsinki City Library has created, in cooperation with the International Cultural Centre Caisa, the information service called "The Infopankki" or "The Info Bank". The website is http://www.caisa.hel.fi/ .

The pages of Info Bank contain important basic information for immigrants on the functioning of society and opportunities in Finland. The links take you to information on the services of authorities and organisations.

There is not much written information in English (books etc.) about the role of the finnish public libraries in promoting the multiculturality and helping the immigrants. I found only one article about this subject:

Virtanen, Kristina:
Finland's library service for foreigners
Scandinavian public library quarterly. - Copenhagen : Nordic Directorate for Public Libraries. - ISSN 0036-5602. 30 (1997) : 4, s. 22-23

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