I am seeking information about the etymology of finnish words. I expect that the infomation available will be in finnish. Do you know of any material that is…


I am seeking information about the etymology of finnish words. I expect that the infomation available will be in finnish. Do you know of any material that is available on-line?


Last updated

Professor Ulla-Maija Kulonen has written some information about the etymology of finnish words.
Her material is available on-line.


Verbs saapua and saavuttaa are derived from the verb saada.
They are native words.

Saapas is a loan word from Russian.


Many libraries have etymological dictionary:
Suomen sanojen alkuperä : etymologinen sanakirja. 1 - 3. -Helsinki : Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus, 1992 - 2000.

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