I am looking for infomation about the Finnish author Auni Nuolivaara. But I could hardly find anything in the net. She wrote the books: Paimen, piika ja emäntä…


I am looking for infomation about the Finnish author Auni Nuolivaara. But I could hardly find anything in the net. She wrote the books: Paimen, piika ja emäntä", "Isäntä ja emäntä", "Päivä ja ehtoo.
Maybe you know of some information in English? I can't speak Finnish language, sorry.


Last updated

Unfortunately there's not much information about the author Auni Nuolivaara in English or German.

Here's some information I found from books:

Auni Elisabeth Nuolivaara was born in Korpilahti 22.5.1883 and died in Tampere 26.10.1972. Her parents were Selim Johan Evert Hirvensalo and Lydia Alexandra Dahlström. Auni was married to Armas Isak Nuolivaara.

Her studies and career:

secondary school graduation 1903
teachers' college 1905
art studies in Rome 1914 - 1915
singing studies in Geneva 1916 - 1917

elementary school teacher in Savonlinna 1905 - 1907
administrator of Keski-Savon kansanopisto (Keski-Savo folk high school) 1907 - 1914, 1918 - 1925
music teacher in Suomen nuoriso-opisto (youth college of Finland) 1923 - 1925
teacher in Oreveden kansanopisto (Orivesi folk high school) 1926 - 1927

This information is from the book
Suomen kirjailijat (Writers in Finland) 1917 - 1944
Helsinki : Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 1981
ISBN 951-717-238-9

Here is also some additional information, picked up from the book
Suomalaisia kirjailijoita Jön Buddesta Hannu Ahoon
Helsinki : Tammi, 1990
ISBN 951-30-9246-1

Auni's fathers name was Lagus until 1906 when he "translated" it in Finnish. He was master of R.E. (Religious Education) and Finnish language in the Swedish girls' school in Helsinki.

When Auni was a child, her family lived winters in Helsinki and summers in Korpilahti. When Auni was five years old her family moved to Loikansaari (north to Savonlinna). After her father started to teach in Savonlinna lycée the family moved to Savonlinna.

Auni Lagus went elementary school in Liperi, secondary school (five years) in girls' school in Savonlinna and upper secondary school in Tampere.

Auni Nuolivaara's literary career started quite modestly in the end of the 20's. The success came in the 30's, when she send her manuscript "Paimen, piika ja emäntä" (using psudonym Tavastila) to the novelcompetiton of the publisher Otava.

Internationally the selling of her novel was low, at first it was translated only into Estonian and Lettish (Latvian).

Auni Nuolivaara wrote "Isäntä ja emäntä" and "Päivä ja ehtoo" (continuation to "Paimen, piika ja emäntä") and from those three books were made a truncate edition, which was translated into German and was published in 1940 named "Kleine standhafte Katri".

The first German edition (17 000 copies) ran out already in advance orders. In 1941 sold 27 500 copies and in 1952 were 155 000 German copies printed.

"Paimen, piika ja emäntä" is also translated into Norwegian, Hungarian, Dutch and Japanese. In the 80's there was made a TV serial based on the book.

A short list of Auni Nuolivaara's writings:
Isäntä ja emäntä
Kiitollisuuden yrtti
Kuin haavanlehti
Kukkiva kesä
Marcuksen salaisuus
Paimen, piika ja emäntä
Päivä ja ehtoo
Seitsemänkymmentä kertaa seitsemän
"Sinä olet se mies..."
Soilon perijät
"Syy oli minun"
Äidin kesäloma

Also in National Biography of Finland (in Finnish) http://haku.kansallisbiografia.fi/FMPro?-db=kbnet.fp5&-format=kb/kbarti…

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