Can u give the information about the "researchers dig into hell" which they heard a sound from hell. can you give me the information. Thank you. There's an…


can u give the information about the "researchers dig into hell" which they heard a sound from hell. can you give me the information. Thank you. There's an article about it and the headline is "reasearchers record the scream of the damned" I want all the information about it.


Last updated

Hello there!
Because you know so exactly the name of the article you can give us little bit more information where you have heard about it. I searched with Internet search services and some other sources - no result.
If I may say my opinion this "article" is more like a short story or novel than research or fact. Kind of a horror story If I may guess. So we here in the library try to search it from fiction shelves. Little bit extra information from your side couldn't do any harm.
With regards


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