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What is a hink pink for a holiday donkey? 1165 A holiday donkey = a yule mule. Hink Pinks are silly rhyming pairs which can be used as answers to riddles. To any given riddles, there might be more than one correct answer. The whole idea of hink pinks is to use your own imagination in trying to find words that rhyme together. So, in future we suggest that you try to figure out the answer yourself. Hink pinks are fun to make as illustrated by the following web-site:
I am a exchange student from Spain. I am studying Business Administration in Hanken, and I would like to know if there are some libraries which are open during… 269 You can see the opening hours of Helsinki City Library in the library's webpages, You can study on fridays in Library 10 until 6 pm. Also the meetingplace at Lasipalatsi is open until 6 pm. You can also see the addresses of these places in the webpages. The National Library is open on fridays until 8 pm. It is also situated in the center of the city, Unioninkatu 36, . Maby one of these places would be suitable.
What do I need to do to be becoming the librarian in Finland. and Could you give me some information about textbook of course for librarians? kiitos 253 To become a librarian in Finland one has to have a master´s degree which includes at least 35 study units in information and library science. Normally it takes from four to six years to complete the master’s degree. There are only three universities in Finland, which provide courses in information and library science, namely, Tampere, Oulu, Åbo Akademi in Turku. As for other actual librarians, there are a number of vocational high school and collages which train other library professionals such as library assistants. For more detailed information you can check the following web-pages:
Какая страна имеет самую низкую плотность населения на 1 квадратный километр? 1360 На сайте Статистического бюро Финляндии есть таблица, которая содержит данные о странах мира. Информация обновлена в ноябре 2006 года. Вот адрес:… В таблице есть столбец «population density» (плотность населения). Оказывается, что самая редконаселенная страна в мире сейчас – Монголия. Плотность населения Монголии составляет 1.8 чел./ кв. км. В таблице указаны и более редко населенные регионы (напр. Западная Сахара, Гренландия), но это не самостоятельные страны.
Численность населения в Партугалии 201 Население Португалии 10 502 000(2004)
Can you tell me how I could find The Death Gate Cycles by Margaret Weis printed in the finnish language? 630 The Death Gate Cycle was published in Finnish by Otava. The Finnish name of the series is Kuolemanportti. Names of the books are: Dragonwing - Lohikäärmeen siipi (1997, paperback 2001) Elven star - Haltioiden tähti (1998, paperback 2001) Fire sea - Tulimeri (1998) Serpent mage - Käärmemaagi (1999) The hand of chaos - Kaaoksen käsi (1999) Into the labyrinth - Labyrinttiin (2000) Seventh gate - Seitsemäs portti (2000) The editions are sold out. They are available in most of the libraries. For used copies contact second-hand bookshops.
Could you tell me where can I get information on design, building regulations and standards, organization and functions, planning and general plans of… 180 Here are some, hopefully useful, websites for you:
I'm not sure is this the right place to ask , but do you happen to know if and where it is possible to buy "pikku prinssi" in German? 241 If the book you're asking for isn't found in the stores, ask the staff if it can be ordered for you. I checked websites of the two big bookstore chains, Suomalainen kirjakauppa and Akateeminen kirjakauppa, and according to their internet stores there are available prints of "Der kleine Prinz". Akateeminen promises to have it in 1-2 days, via Suomalainen kirjakauppa it takes 2 weeks. Contact the stores for more info.
I wonder if you could tell me what the salary of a finnish librarian is? And how are the credits of them? How is the education of becoming librarian handled? 176 The average salary for a librarian in Finland is 2 046 euros/month.… (Commission for Local Authority Employers) The salaries in the municipal libraries are smaller than in the scientific/research libraries. Librarians in the municipal sector earn on average 1 700 euros/month. As for the education, librarians have to have a higher university degree / master's degree. The degree can be a Master of Social Sciences or Master of Arts. Information on university education in Finland: Library in its self is a highly valued service in Finland, but as a profession, librarian is not among the most admired. In…
What is the hink pink for 'Moan of contentment after the last bite of Thanksgiving dessert?' 196 That certainly is a tough one. Could it be 'pie sigh'? After that last piece of the pumpkin pie...
What is the deference between search engine& data base? 168 Search engine or search service is a software that searches the Internet for information. Database is an organized collection of information (data) of one or more specific areas (The New Penguin English Dictionary, London 2000). More about the search engine and the database you can read in the english Wikipedia, a free Internet encyclopedia. The addresses of the sites are and .
When did the Jews arrive to Finland? Where did they come from? 779 The territory which is now Finland was for more than half a millennium – until 1809 – part of the Swedish Kingdom. Under Swedish law, Jews of that period were allowed to settle only in three major towns in the Kingdom, none of them being situated in the territory of Finland. The injunction did not cover visits and therefore the first known reference of Jews in Finland is from 1782, when "Portuguese singers" Josef Lazarus, Meijer Isaac and Pimo Zelig as well as conjurer Michel Marcus received from the city administrative court of Helsinki the right to perform their skills in Helsinki. In this context beeing Portuguese refers to Jewish communities of Hamburg area or Holland, whose founders were driven away from Portugal nearly 300 years…
What is the hink pink for "what is the spot left by a huge water ballooon?" 196 The hink pink for the spot left by a huge water balloon is a fat splat. Hink Pinks are silly rhyming pairs which can be used as answers to riddles. To any given riddles, there might be more than one correct answer. The whole idea of hink pinks is to use your own imagination in trying to find words that rhyme together. So, in future we suggest that you try to figure out the answer yourself. Hink pinks are fun to make as illustrated by the following web-site:
What is the hink pink for what does a two headed monster use to think with? 210 The monster thinks with his main brain.
In june 2002 the Hanasaari Cultural Centre and the Helsinki City Library organized a conference titled A Space for the Future - Library Buildings in the 21st… 1351 You can find the programme and most of the proceedings in the conference webpages, published in the new webpages of Helsinki City library, . I wonder if you are familiar with the material of the IFLA satellite meeting in Järvenpää, Finland in th year 2005? The proceedings can be found here, .
I have been told by a danish collegue that Helsinki library offers a digital language course online in severel languages. I have not been able to find the… 176 I`m afraid there is no digital language course online offered by Helsinki City Library at the moment. I couldn`t find any information about that either. Helsinki City Library offers e.g. e-books for customers to borrow In some swedish libraries it`s possible to download music and audio books onto mp3-players. Maybe in the near future it`s possible to offer language courses also.
How do I view marriage records 579 You can’t view marriage records - if you mean official records which are kept by local register offices (maistraatti = ). They work together with The Population Register Center, which holds information on all Finnish citizens: ( From the church (parishes) you get literary information about their members but you have to know the parish where the person is living. To get information about an individual from these registers costs. Some public libraries hold collections of old parish registers (mostly from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries). You can find old marriage information on these microfilms, too.
Do you have any idea from where I could find some audiovisual material in English related to teamwork, international teamwork, improving teamwork or different… 275 We have checked all the Finnish universal and regional library databases, but unfortunately we have not been able to locate any audiovisual material related to teamwork. It is possible to request material from libraries outside Finland. Ask your home library for help.
I hear that you have a kind of starter kit( how to use the library, etc?) for the children come to libraries for the first time. Will you please tell me about… 605 In Helsinki city library we have children’s web pages. In these pages Bookster (The official web creature of the Helsinki City Library) will show children for example how to use the library. You find pages in English here:
I am comparing folklore customs for the time when a child has pulled a primary or "baby" tooth. I would like to know if the Sami have a tradition for such a… 274 I have found a few short mentions about the sami beliefs or stories about the loss of the first tooth as a child. Schefferus, also in English: The history of Lapland (orig. 1674), chapter 26: Of their childbearing. He refers to Samuel Rheen and in the book: En kortt relation om lapparnes lefwarne och sedher,... (Uppsala 1897) Rheen writes about that belief at least on page 9 in chapter: Om barnssens Vpfostrande och vptuchtellsse and on page 14 in the chapter: Huru the inbördes ärfwa hwar... The child gets a reindeer of his own from the person who first sees the first tooth. T.I Itkonen writes about the thing in Suomen lappalaiset part 2, p. 394. He tells the same story about the gift to the child: The father of the child gives the child a…