I wonder if you could tell me what the salary of a finnish librarian is? And how are the credits of them? How is the education of becoming librarian handled?


I wonder if you could tell me what the salary of a finnish librarian is? And how are the credits of them?
How is the education of becoming librarian handled?


Last updated

The average salary for a librarian in Finland is 2 046 euros/month.

http://www.kuntatyonantajat.fi/index~id~3C33AE32DC744D87AB4ABC847A5C107… (Commission for Local Authority Employers)

The salaries in the municipal libraries are smaller than in the scientific/research libraries. Librarians in the municipal sector earn on average 1 700 euros/month.

As for the education, librarians have to have a higher university degree / master's degree. The degree can be a Master of Social Sciences or Master of Arts.

Information on university education in Finland:

Library in its self is a highly valued service in Finland, but as a profession, librarian is not among the most admired. In 1996 a Finnish journal "Suomen Kuvalehti", made a research to find out the occupations the Finnish people considered to be the most esteemed. Librarians (and other library workers) placed quite low in the results, they were not among the top 200.

You can find the article from this link, unfortunately it's available only in Finnish: http://www.suomenkuvalehti.fi/?id=86

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