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Voitteko yst. lähettää minulle kolmen eestiläisen pääyliopiston (Tarton yliopisto kärjessä)sähköpostiosoitteet luennoitsija tarjousta varten. 200 Viron yliopistoista ja muista tieteellisistä organisaatioista on koottu yhteystiedot sivulle , sivusto on sekä viron- että englanninkielinen.
Do you have any recipes with reindeer blood as an ingredient? 200 There are two books that both have a recipe of blood dumplings, which are made of reindeer blood. The books are Arctic à la carte and Tapio Sointu's Lapland à la carte. You can ask for them at your nearest library.
Численность населения в Партугалии 200 Население Португалии 10 502 000(2004)
I'm a student from Spain and I would like to known if i could borrow some books from a public library of Finland without being a finnish citizen. Thank you for… 199 Public libraries in Finland usually issue cards also to people who are not permanent residents. You need to have address in Finland. If You are studying in the metropolitan area You can use the services of the HelMet Libraries. You can obtain a HelMet library card and PIN code from any Helmet library by providing your address and presenting a valid photographic proof of identity with your personal identity code approved by the library. You need to have an address in Finland to get a library card. If You don't have the Finnish social security number, the card will be valid for one year. Welcome to HelMet libraries. HelMet library card Accepted identity cards
I have just been notified that a book I have reserved has arrived at the library. I am going out of town, so I just cancelled it online. Is there anything else… 199 If You cancelled Your reservation in HelMet online, that is all You need to do. In case You cancel Your reservation before the pick-up date, You don't have to pay the fee for the uncollected reservation.…
Is there any possibility to ask about job? I'm from other country, but I want to move to Finland. 199 You can find information about working in Finland for example here:…   If you are interested particularly in library jobs, here's one earlier answer to question about library education:…
Will you tell me how you public libraries in Finland offer delivery service(a book mobile or traveling library) to schools? Is there any regular way? I want… 198 In Finland the delivery service is meant mainly for people who cannot visit library because of an illness or a disability. But we have a mobile library (buses) which brings library services close to schools. In Helsinki we have also buses in which there are books only for children. Many teachers also bring their pupils to the library. For more information you should visit for example these sites:…
Dear sir or madam, I am an student of Library and Information Science from Spain and I am doing a research about public libraries comparing their active… 198 I'm not quite sure, what your question was. If you are looking for a library strategy, we have a guideline for public libraries (the previous one was called strategy),…, which contains the stress points in our library activities. If you are looking for Helsinki City Library strategy, it was updated 2015, but since the city organization has changed the library is a part of the city strategy, Helsinki City Strategy,…. The former one stated that vision for the library was to enrich the thoughts and ideas of, to offer knowledge, skills and stories and that way to create a new citizens society. I couldn…
How can i access chat on helmet website? please tell me qiuckly :( I don't have much time.. 198 I'm sorry for answering you so late. Helmet chat comes into view just when it's open. In this summer the opening hours are mon-thur 12-17 and fri 12-16:
I registered for a Helmet library card online on the 8th of February(Monday). I was wondering when I’ll have to go pick it up? 198 You can pick up Your Helmet library card any time after You have made the pre-registration. Actually the pre-registration is not necessary, but You will get your library card quicker by filling the registration form beforehand. Take a valid ID card with you. You can pick up your library card from any Helmet library.…
What does self service mean in regards to open hours? 198 During the self-service hours, there is no staff in the library but the premises are monitored using technology like cameras. In a self-service library, you can borrow and return materials, use customer computers, read magazines and newspapers, work or have meetings. A wireless network is available. The staff service hours and self-service hours are listed on each library’s website. Hämeenlinna main library, Hauho and Nummi libraries in Hämeenlinna and Tervakoski library in Janakkala have self-service hours. You will need Vanamo library card and pin code to get into these libraries. You have to log in with the entrance unit at the main door.  All our customers over 15 years of age are able to use Hämeenlinna main library during the self-…
I would like to know where I could gather some phone numbers or addresses in Helsinki. I have one address, how can I get to know the phone number? 197 The best way of finding out about your friend's whereabouts is to call Elisa Communications' national telephone number / address enquiry service. The number is 118. You do not need any arial code number, just dial 118.
Is there a way to get The Economist in digital format since is not available on Flipster? Thanks in advance, Zeljko 196 You can read The Economist in digital format in the National Library of Finland. The library's address is Unioninkatu 36 and it is open for everyone.  You need a temporarily ID, which entitles you to use the e-materials in the library. You can get the IDs from the library's customer service. The customer service is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. There are no customer workstations in the library and you have to use your own laptop. Please, take your id-card with you.
I am looking for information about a language called "skolta", which is spoken in the north of Finland 195 Skolt is a very small language spoken by the Skolts, a group of Lappish people, living in the most north-northeastern part of Finnish Lapland and in the north-western part of Russia. There are only about one thousand Skolt-speakers left, half of them in Finland. Even these very few people speak various dialects, which can differ drastically even from village to village. So if your main wish is to be able to comumunicate with the parents of a friend I recommend sticking to English, and asking your friend to teach you a couple of phrases. But if you are interested in the language beside that, you could start with reading an article "Saamic" (pp.43-95) in "The Uralic Languages" / Daniel Abondolo. Routledge, London and New York, 1998…
What is the hink pink for 'Moan of contentment after the last bite of Thanksgiving dessert?' 195 That certainly is a tough one. Could it be 'pie sigh'? After that last piece of the pumpkin pie...
When did the civil wars stop in us ..? 195 The US Civil war ended in 1865.
Do you have special activities and services for people living with an intellectual disability? 195   Many Finnish libraries have easy-to-read pages in internet for example Helmet   There are other service sites for those who need clear language for example Verneri and Papunet and Kehitysvammaliitto   The Espoo Library has people with intellectual disabilities who work part-time. They work two days a week with their supervisor.  Tasks include: shelving, unloading and rearranging. Espoo also makes remembrance trips. The librarian has assembled briefcases and used them to reminisce together. https…
I have searched all over, but cannot find a link to job opportunities for libraries in Finland. How can I find out if you have vacancies? 192 When it comes to, a link to vacancies can be found only on the Finnish and Swedish versions of the site. I believe the reason for this is simply the fact that if one speaks nothing but English, one cannot work in Finnish libraries. In Finnish: - kirjastoala - ammattikalenteri - avoimia työpaikkoja. In Swedish: - biblioteksbranschen - fackkalendern - lediga tjänster. In addition to this, vacancies (all branches) in Finland can be found via the site of the Ministry of Labour in Finland ( However, the Internet pages of the labour administration are being revised and so far, only part of the service supply of the labour administration is in English.
What is the hink pink for "what is the spot left by a huge water ballooon?" 192 The hink pink for the spot left by a huge water balloon is a fat splat. Hink Pinks are silly rhyming pairs which can be used as answers to riddles. To any given riddles, there might be more than one correct answer. The whole idea of hink pinks is to use your own imagination in trying to find words that rhyme together. So, in future we suggest that you try to figure out the answer yourself. Hink pinks are fun to make as illustrated by the following web-site:
Can you provide me with a good source to begin researching my family who came from Etelavartsala, Kustavi. Thank you for any assistance you can provide. 190 For an English speaking person there are two informative web sources of Finnish genealogy: The Swedish-Finn Historical Society, based in Seattle, has all-English web pages. There you can for example discuss your case in The Finlander Forum, which has specific threads for genealogy, relatives search etc. Please be sure to check also the links provided in the pages. One of the links leads to the English pages of The Genealogical Society of Finland. Among other things the society maintains HisKi, a complementing database of old church records. HisKi contains lists of christenings, marriages, burials and moves. It is also possible to register to a mailing list where people…