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I have some books at my place that I would like to get rid of, is it possible for me to give those books to the Helsinki HELMET library? 1254 Helsinki City Library accepts book donations with pleasure. You could ask your nearest library if they can take books to their collection. Library staff evaluate the donation and decide to take books to collection or not. Library staff pick and choose material according to what kind of material is lacking from collection. Worn out books libraries don't accept.
In june 2002 the Hanasaari Cultural Centre and the Helsinki City Library organized a conference titled A Space for the Future - Library Buildings in the 21st… 1351 You can find the programme and most of the proceedings in the conference webpages, published in the new webpages of Helsinki City library, . I wonder if you are familiar with the material of the IFLA satellite meeting in Järvenpää, Finland in th year 2005? The proceedings can be found here, .
My name is Renan, I'm from Brazil, i'll start to study Library degree in 2016, my goal since 13 years is work or study in Finland or Nordic Countries, I… 567 You can find very much information from the website of Finnish National Board of Education (Opetushalitus): Information about qualification requirements in libraries you can find here, but unfortunately just in Finnish and Swedish:
Is Pulla often pronounced Bulla? 671 If you mean the Finnish word pulla (‘bun,  coffeebread’), I think it can be pronounced as ‘bulla’ only if you have a flu or rarely in some Finnish dialects. According to Kielitoimiston sanakirja, the Finnish word bulla means also ‘papal bull’ -
Santa's birthplace and birth year 519 There are a lot of stories about Santa Claus´ history. It's known that there lived the bishop Nicolaus at the 300 century in Turkey who liked children and then Nicolaus´day 6.12. was the celebration day when kids got presents. Joulupukki/Santa Claus as an old man with grey and long beard began his journey to Finland´s homes during 19th century. Finland´s radio declared Korvatunturi as the home of our Joulupukki in the year 1927. He lives there even today with his family although he himself also spends a lot of time here in Rovaniemi at the Santa Claus village: In the old times (pagan times) Santa Claus was a different character from todays´s. He/she was more like an animal, a buck and called…
What diploma do you need to become a librarian in Finland? Are a foreign bachelor + a M1 in Information and communication science enough? 889 You have to have a degree on information and libraries studies in university. In Finland you must be completed information studies about third of you examination. In Finland you can work in libraries without having degree in information studies, but to be librarian you should have those studies in university. We have been asked about working in libraries before.
How are you? I'm pleased to know your city library because your library has a lot of wonderful qualities to be an excellent library. First of all, I'm not a… 1039 I am glad to hear that you are interested in Helsinki City Library. First of all, I wonder which page you were looking at to find the information you mentioned. Perhaps it was the home page of Helsinki City Library ( ) . This may sound a little complicated, but I will try to help you understand the points you mentioned. Helsinki City Library consists of the Main Library and 38 branch libraries. The Main library is situated in Pasila district about three kilometres from the city centre. It has the largest collections and also houses the administrative departments of whole Helsinki City Library. The branch libraries are situated in different areas all around the city. In addition to these, Helsinki City Library…
Is it possible for people to survive in air that is completely dry? 506 Human beings cannot survive without water. If you spend any amount of time in zero humidity, whether in an extremely hot desert, in an extremely cold artic region or in space, you would need protective clothing, which would keep your dehydration in check. You would also need an ample and constant supply of water or any other drinkable, non-poisonous liquid. For further information, go to your nearest library and read on the topic from a comprehensive book on biology.
Could you provide me with statistics for the number of enquiries handled by the Helsinki Public Library for the years 2001, 2002, 2003? 713 Statistics for the number of enquiries handled by the Helsinki City Library for the years 2001, 2002, 2003: 2001: 1 164 629 (3666) 2002: 1 054 046 (5329) 2003: 748 601 (9618) Parenthetic figures indicate the number of enquiries handled via the Internet.
I have references to books available in the "Kirjasto" library in Finland. Which library in Finland might this refer to ? Is the Kirjasto library catalog on… 886 "Kirjasto" is library in finnish. Is there any other information about the library in your reference list? The Finnish Library Services on the web:
Weather conditions in Helsinki in October. 808 The main factor influencing Finland's climate is the country's geographical position between the 60th and 70th northern parallels in the Eurasian continent's coastal zone, which shows characteristics of both a maritime and a continental climate, depending on the direction of air flow. The mean temperature in Finland is several degrees (as much as 10°C in winter) higher than that of other areas in these latitudes, e.g. Siberia and south Greenland. The temperature is raised by the Baltic Sea, inland waters and, above all, by airflows from the Atlantic, which are warmed by the Gulf Stream. For more information visit the website of the Finnish Meteorological Institute On the site http://www.…
Where may I find information about virtuals courses to learn mathematics and physics? 159 You can find information about these virtual courses by using a search machine like Google and writing in the search box "learn mathematics and physics" (note the quatation marks - they determine, that the search will look for a phrase).
I would like to know, if there is a web page, where I can find information on types of events in Finnish public libraries (if there is such a classification)? 733 Yes, there are public libraries in Finland as well. The webpage of the Finnish libraries, , contains mostly information about Finnish public libraries. See, the Libraries channel, Public libraries, . On the Front Page and in the section Library branch of this site you can find some information about events in Finnish public libraries. However, the major part of the information about events in public libraries in Finland is published in Finnish and Swedish at the same site ( , ). You can also visit the site of the Finnish Library Association, .
I would like to know if there exist any language course books for children who would like to learn finnish. Kiitos 977 There is a book ”Juttuja ja tuttuja: suomea toisena kielenä seitsemäsluokkalaisille, by Paula Konsti, Helsinki, Opetushallitus 2003 (text book for about 13 years old children who are lerning Finnish as a second language). There are also some cdroms like “Eka kieliromppuni: suomea” and “Opi suomea! lapsille”. Maybe you could also try some ABC-book meant for Finnish speaking children, there are several of them, for example Kallioniemi, Tuula: Sukkelat sanat:esiopetuksen aapinen. Also you could try some Finnish picture dictionary, for example Lappalainen, Ulla: Aamu, suomen kielen kuvasanakirja maahanmuuttajille, esiopetukseen, päiväkoteihin, erityisopetukseen, kotikäyttöön . Then there are many books to learn Finnish actually meant for…
I`m sudent of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts at faculty of information resources. I write degree work on a theme " Digital services in… 219 There are very few publications concerning Digital Services of Finnish Libraries 2004-2006, but i hope the next articles will help you to find some information about digital services: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (articles: Hormia-Poutanen, Kristiina: Digital library users and usage patterns in Finland. Kortelainen, Terttu: Informetic viewpoint to national digital library material.
What is the hink pink for "what is the spot left by a huge water ballooon?" 196 The hink pink for the spot left by a huge water balloon is a fat splat. Hink Pinks are silly rhyming pairs which can be used as answers to riddles. To any given riddles, there might be more than one correct answer. The whole idea of hink pinks is to use your own imagination in trying to find words that rhyme together. So, in future we suggest that you try to figure out the answer yourself. Hink pinks are fun to make as illustrated by the following web-site:
Can you tell me if Swedish-speakers outside the Swedish-speaking regions are entitled to use their language when dealing with public libraries? 565 In principal the answer is ’yes’. According to the new Language Act that came into force on 1 January 2004 state authorities and municipal authorities are obliged by law always to serve in both Finnish and Swedish. In the following some extracts from description of the law by the Ministry of Justice, Finland: “Everyone shall have the right to use Finnish or Swedish at their own option in their contacts with authorities. … This, however, does not mean that all employees must master both languages. In practice the authorities can act in the way they consider most appropriate with regard to their own duties. If, for instance, there are several service points, different service points can provide service in different languages. Another…
I want to ask, what national and international digitising projects do the finnish libraries carry out at present and what are the perspective of progress? Is… 933 The finnish memory organisations have lately decided to centralize the digitisation of national cultural heritage. The new consortium is called Digitalia. National Library´s digitisation centre, which is located in Mikkeli, will form the foundation of Digitalia. National Library`s digitisation centre will start a mass digitisation of the National Library's sound recordings in 2007. Information about digitised resources in National Library of Finland and international cooperation from links below:…
Im starting a bar job soon and i need to learn about drinks. mainly about irsh whiskeys and differences between them. Does the library have books on them in… 1289 Here are some books about whisky in English found in HelMet Web Library : Banks, Iain: Raw spirit: in search of the perfect dram (2003); McIvor, Doug: Scotch whisky: top single malts (1999); Wisniewski, Ian: The classic whisky handbook: an essential companion to the world’s finest whiskies (1998); Arthur, Helen : The single malt whisky companion: a connoisseur’s guide (1997) and Shaw, Carol P.: Whisky (1996). You can check the availability of the books in online catalogue Good luck in your new job.
I would like to mention actuall legislation (maybe evolution of the legislation aswell) about corruption (bribery) in my bachelor essey. Could you please… 380 Various forms of bribary are criminalized in Chapter 40 of the Penal Code of Finland 39/1889 as amended. An unofficial translation of the Penal Code is available in the Finlex database: Ari Salminen, Olli-Pekka Viinamäki and Rinna Ikola-Norrbacka at the Faculty of Public Administration at Vaasa University has published an article with the title "The Control of Corruption in Finland". The article was published in 2008 and is available electronically in the following website: The article gives a good general presentation of the legislative framework and social structures preventing corruption in Finland. The article also gives…