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Could you give me any Internet addresses where I can find out more about the library legislation or regulations in Finland. 1084 You can find Finnish library act 904/1998 at ACT . This act concerns public libraries in Finland. About Finnish library system you can study from web-sites of Ministry of Education and there you can find also some publications on Finnish libraries. Finnish library policy programme 2001-2001 is also readable via web as a summary . Also in this page and the Libray branch -page is worth knowing.
I'm looking to obtain a copy of obituary notices from Helsinki Finland, can you make copies and send them for a reasonable fee. The person I'm thinking of died… 1403 Please contact the Genealogical Society of Finland at for copies of old obituaries.
I'd like to know the meaning and history of the name Ivalo, which I was called in Greenland. 455 According to Ante Aikio’s article ’Suomen saamelaisperäisistä paikannimistä’ (About Finnish place- names of Sami origin) in publication Virittäjä 1/ 2003 name Ivalo has origin in Sami language, Inari Sami ‘Avveel’. For more detailed information you can contact Research Institute for the Languages of Finland (choose ‘In English’ to get the page in English). They have a special Finnish name guidance by phone + 358 9 701 93 65, Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. -11:30 a.m.. By email you can contact Information Officer Sirkka Rautoja, or Library, You can also contact directly a specialist in Sami names and place-names, email
I want to book a time to practice piano at the library next to Rautatienasema. Is it possible? How do I do it? 1391 You can book the piano room in Library 10 by phone or via Internet. The phone number is 09 3108 5000. The room can also be booked at Choose “Library 10” and click “Show available times”. Then check “Workspaces” and choose the number 41 (“Practice room Electric piano”). You need your library card number and pin code when booking the room.
What is the origin and mening of the surname ‘Keinonen’ 496 Surnames 'Keinonen' and 'Keinänen' are both believed to be derived from the word keino which in the Savonian dialect carries the meaning 'trap, snare, (a hunter's) trail'. Pirjo Mikkonen & Sirkka Paikkala, Sukunimet
I have books on hold and others that I have taken for loan. My question is what happens now with the closing down the Libraries? I still need this books that… 134 In Helmet libraries the loan periods do not expire during 16.3. – 19.4.2020. If you have not returned the loans by the due date, the loan period will be lengthened automatically. While the libraries are closed, you cannot pick up your holds. The reserved materials will be kept waiting for pick-up for a couple of days after the libraries are reopened.
I wanted to check what kind of items I could loan from the library, except for books? is there somewhere the list of those? kiitos! 178 You can search the Helmet database for different types of items in the Helmet library collection. Go to and to Advanced Search. Direct link:… Choose the type of item from the drop-down menu Format. In Keyword, type * to display all items in the selected format or a more specific search term. Click Search.
I didn't turn in my books on time. can i extend the reading time? 135 If the book is borrowed from Helmet library, you can renew it 5 times. Renewal is not possible if the book is reserved or you have received another reminder about being late. You can contact one of the pearl libraries, and we will look into the matter.
Is there an exclusive repertoire, catalog or repository of illustrated albums for adults? 69 Hello, I am afraid Vieremä library does not participate in the Ask a Librarian service. Try to contact the library directly by email or phone. Contact details: You can search for material in the collections of Rutakko libaries, which includes Vieremä, here.
What is a good source of news, travel and other current information (in English) about Finland? 355 Dear Sir First about good websites. A good place to start is There You can find a link to Virtual Finland with lots of information about Finland in english. The Virtual Finlands Picture Book of Finlands offers You panoramas, videos and photographs about finnish nature, culture and seasons. Other quite interesting sites are (only in finnish) (here's a linklist called Photo Albums of Finland Category : Webcams and photographs)
Why is there not a FREE telephone directory for Finland ? I can not pay the Fee for a search because it's impossible to do so from where I am. 189 Providing a public list of telephone numbers (a telephone directory) is a commercial business. There has never been one free catalog for whole Finland, but the local telephone companies did make their own catalogs for a long time and these were given free to the people who owned a share of the company. The last printed catalog in Helsinki area was pubished 2017. Heikki Poroila
Last year one person told me that some library (or may be all) can provide service with checking a documents (for example job application, that what I need) in… 256 You can ask if Forms assistant services can help you. Or you can leave The Loan to the Librarian -service for a help request. Choose  library and "Tiedonhaku: vaativa aineistohaku, tietokannat, kirjallisuus, musiikki, internet-tiedonlähteet"
What is the origin of the family name Liimakka? 349 Family name Liimakka is an unusual name in Finland. According to the name service (Nimipalvelu)  of The Digital and Population Data Services Agency service there is or has been only 79 people named Liimakka in Finland: Unfortunately we didn't find the origin of the name.
Dear librarian, A few years ago the Helmet library system had a fantastic collection of books on Russian and Soviet film in both English and Russian. I can't… 171 Books about Russian or Soviet films can be found from shelf 77.4971 in Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen libraries and from shelf 777.951 in Helsinki.  All libraries but Kauniainen have a floating collection now, which means that when a book is returned to a library it stays there, instead of being sent to a home library. So if you mean that a certain library used to have a great collection, it may now have been spread between several libraries. 
A book combining fact and fiction 40 Vastattu myöhemmin tulleeseen kysymykseen.
How would I go about obtain a copy of the following article: AUTHOR: Simberloff, D. ARTICLE: "The sick science of ecology: symptoms, diagnosis, and… 247 That artice was published in the following journal: Eidema : an international journal of adaptive strategies of field biologists / University of Helsinki, Department of Zoology So probably the Helsinki University Library can help you. Their website with contact information can be found at
To: Research Dept. Helsinki city Library Seeking geographical information, please: Any information available in English or Finnish about the following city… 377 It looks like that your ancestors' homecounty is Pyhajarvi Vpl. (In Finnish Pyhajarvi is spelled with two a:s with dots, and Vpl is an abbreviation of Viipurin laani = Viipuri province). You can find a short description of the county, in Finnish though, in the following address . Choose a link "Pyhäjärven kartta" and you'll find a map of the county. Today Pyhajarvi is called Plodovoje and there are a couple of pages about it in a book called "Karjala : Suomalainen matkaopas" by Markus Lehtipuu, 2002. ISBN 952-9715-17-x. You'll find a short presentation of the book in . You can try to find information about your ancestors via the webpages of…
I am looking for the book, Ilkkan Suku by Jaakko Sarvela. The first edition was printed in 1979, the second in 1986. Thank you for any assistance you can… 630 Jaakko Sarvela´s book Jaakko Ilkan suku printed in Ilmajoki by the Ilmajoki seura in 1979, 2.nd 1987 (ISBN: 951-99207-2-2) can be found in several libraries in Finland. I suggest you contact your local library and ask them to help you through the interlibrary lending system. You can try to find information about your ancestors via the webpages of the Genealogical Society of Finland, . The National Board of Antiquities Library is specializing in local history, . Institute of Migration ( .) has a service for genealogists and the descendants of Finnish Emigrants which is called The Emigrant Register. Sources include…
I am curious how they excavated the rock to build Temppeliaukio church, particularly did they blast it with explosives? I'm curious since the location is in… 245 The Temppeliaukio church was completed in 1969 and it is one of Helsinki's main turist attractions.The architecs Timo and Tuomo Suomalainen won the preceeding achitectural competition in 1961, and their idea was to to cover a free-form rock excavation with a mathematical dome. For exact information on the excavation please contact the secretary of the Finnish Tunnelling Association, Jouko Ritola. You may also find the links on the Tunnelling Association's homepace useful, see There is a book by Maila Mehtälä called "Temppeliaukio", with what seems to be exact data on the excavating work. According to this source 12.400 solid cubic metres of bedrock was excavated. 4.100 kg dynamite, 3.500 detonating cord and 6.550…
Dear Sir, I am student from NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY--Library and Information Science. In this semester i took one subject about Reading Library, In my final… 1034 Children´s library work in Helsinki is very active and versatile including for example co-operation with schools, Real Reader campaigns and “book tipster” activities promoting reading in libraries, schools and day-care centers. Here are some Internet pages concerning library services for children and book talk in Helsinki City Library: Reading is a Joy, Raija Poutiainen´s article about book talk or book tipping in schools. Annual Reports of the Helsinki City Library containing information of library services and activities for children. Children´s web pages of The Helsinki City Library http://www.lib.hel…