: My partner and I were wondering if our local libraries accept book donations in Finland. We have books in other languages (Spanish, Swedish, English) that we…


Hi: My partner and I were wondering if our local libraries accept book donations in Finland. We have books in other languages (Spanish, Swedish, English) that we could share. Namely novels and childrens books. Please let us know, and thanks!


Last updated

Hi! Basically yes, but it depends so much on the exact titles you have to offer. If the library (system) already has enough of that title, the answer is always "thanks but no thank you!". Especially when we are dealing with books in other languages than Finnish most of the smaller libraries are probably not willing to be active at all. If possible, visit the main library in Pasila and ask for the staff of the Multilingual Library or send them e-mail at monikielinen.kirjasto@hel.fi or make a phone call (09) 3108 5402 And please remember that this is the moment of the year, when most professional librarians are on vacation! 1-2 months later everything is easier...

Heikki Poroila

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