I asked 3 musical friends the following and I share the answer I received from one of the friends: I was thrilled to get my 'Finnish Fix' at FinnFest 2008… |
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As the musician you asked said, the Finnish birchbark flute is a recorder, or a fipple flute, not a transverse (cross, German) flute.
Here you can see a very good picture of a birchbark flute: http://www.laulumies.com/laulelma_ala4.html (scroll down, the right picture is third down). Rauno Nieminen has made the birchbark flute in the picture. He has a small company where he builds acoustic instruments. Here are his contact information: http://raunonieminen.com/sivusto/index.php?sivu=yhtied (his net pages are, unfortunately, only in Finnish, but no doubt you can e-mail in English)(in his e-mail address "etunimi.sukunimi" means "first name.last name", that is, you put rauno in the place of "etunimi" and nieminen in the place of "sukunimi… |