I would like to know, in statistical documents related to demography (in Finland), what are the definitions of "ethnicity" and "race", and the detailed… |
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Instead of “ethnicity “ and “race”, in Finland citizens are classified by citizenship. The website of the bureau of statistics, Finland, has all the relevant information concerning your inquiry.
From StatFin -Online service http://statfin.stat.fi/statweb/start.asp?LA=en&lp=home&DM=SLEN select Population Census then Population by citizenship and then select the variables.
Here is a statistic table made according your inquiry, population by citizenship in Finland at 31.12.2000. The web-address is: http://statfin.stat.fi/StatWeb/table.asp?TT=2&LA=en&DM=SLEN&PA=Taulu02e…