I'm a teacher writing from Poland. I'd like to know a bit more about Finnish libraries: what they have to offer, how they cooperate with schools, what the key… |
1106 |
First a link to a publication, which you may find interesting http://finna.fi
Net resources:
- Ministry of Education; Libraries in Finland http://www.minedu.fi/OPM/Kirjastot?lang=en
- Ministry of education;Library network in Finland http://www.minedu.fi/OPM/Kirjastot/kirjastoverkosto/?lang=en
- The National Library of Finland http://www.nationallibrary.fi/libraries/coordination/librarysectors.html
- Libraries.fi http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/libraries/
- School libraries in Finland (Article) http://slq.nu/?article=volume-46-no-1-2013-10
May I know how can i know the pin code of my Helmet card? i want to login to language course to learn finnish. additionally, is learning online free of charge… |
990 |
Provided you have given us your email address, you can access the password recovery function:
In the case we do not have your email address, we shall change your PIN code at the service desk of any Helmet library. Please bring your ID with you.
Is it possible to rent equipment for video and photo shooting? |
900 |
There are some video cameras in Helmet libraries you can borrow. Here you can find the libraries:
Also from Finnish borrowing service Kuinoma you can rent and borrow goods for a cheap price from the private market. You find Kuinoma and cameras here:
Here are some information about Kuinoma in English:
Where may I find an "Ask a librarian" website for most of the EU countries in a language I speak ? (french, english, spanish). Thank you for any help you may… |
1072 |
I found a list which is for libraries with some form of synchronous or chat reference services. The list isn't perfect and some links don't even work but it gives way of indication.
Link: http://liswiki.org/wiki/Chat_reference_libraries
I am looking for a library in Myyrmäki preferably, because Ii have a document I would like to download from my email, then print and fax. Is it possible to do… |
921 |
yes, it is possible. Access to internet is free, prints 0,40 € /page and fax 3 € (first page, then 2 € /page).
Please note that we cannot send faxes internationally. The nearest place from which an international fax can be sent is from Citizen Service (Yhteispalvelupiste).
I'm interested in converting a couple of old VHS recordings I have onto DVD at Entresse, I was wondering how the service works. Do I need to book a time? Is… |
927 |
thank you for the interest in our service. You can reserve the workstations through staff. If you need any help or advice, do not hesitate to ask.
For more information:
Is it possible to borrow an audio recorder from your library? Do you have this service? I need it for my thesis research. |
1018 |
Unfortunately this kind of service is not available in the library.
How do people in remote areas get books? |
1528 |
People in remote areas get books by lending them in Bookbuses or Mobile libraries.
I got the question to here Rovaniemi, Northern Finland. But the same is in the remote places in Eastern Finland or Ostrobothnia.
There are bookbuses in 12 municipalicities from 21municipalities in Lapland and two bookbuses, which are common with many communities also in Sweden and Norway.
“Collaboration with the neighbouring area also involves the activities of two mobile libraries: the Muonio mobile library runs in four municipalities in Finland, in Sweden and Norway and the Karasjoki mobile library in three… |
Information about this service? How can we plan for new digital reference in a library? |
1665 |
You can find information on this service at http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/ask_librarian/keywordquestions.aspx?WordI… It's the archive of this service and there are answers to several similar questions than yours.
Information on your second question:
Ifla Digital reference guidelines http://archive.ifla.org/VII/s36/pubs/drg03.htm
Overview on services in 2009
Virtual reference best practices : tailoring services to your library by M. Kathleen Kern.
Chicago : American Library Association, 2009.
The virtual reference handbook : interview and information delivery techniques for the chat and e-mail environments / Diane K. Kovacs.
London : Facet, 2007.
At Google Books… |
Does exist a synchronous digital reference service in Italy?? Thank you. |
1678 |
You have sent your question to the "Ask a librarian" service in Finland. Here we cannot have the best possible expertise concerning libraries in Italy. That is why I recommend for you to redirect your request to some italian library. There seem to be several services of the kind "Chiedi alla tua biblioteca":