
2 results. Showing 1–2 hits.
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How many libraries in Finland focus on health sciences, medicine, nursing, or allied health subjects? What are their names? 903 Via A guide to the Scientific Libraries in Finland ( you can find 23 libraries focused on medicine, 6 libraries focused on nursing and 2 libraries focused on health sciences. Of course there could be same libraries in several lists. And some of the libraries are also focused on some other fields too. You can find the names of the libraries here:${MAXPAGE}=21&${APPL}=kirjastoten&${BASE}=kirjastoten&${HTML}=list&${THWIDS}=0.16/1346847016_10517&${HILITE}=0&${MAXHITS}=1000&${SAVEHTML}=/kirjastot/en/……
The difference between Medline and MedLARS 2244 The difference between Medline and MedLars is not very clear. Medlars (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System) is the computerised biomedical bibliographic retrieval system which was launched by the U.S. National Library of Medicine in 1964. It allows rapid access to NLM's store of biomedical information. Medlars was the first large scale, computer based, retrospective search service available to the general public. In 1971 an online version called MEDLINE ("MEDLARS Online") became available. MEDLINE® is the best known of NLM's databases. Essentially Index Medicus online, MEDLINE enables anyone to query the NLM computer's store of journal article references on specific topics. It currently contains 9 million references going back…