library services

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Guidelines for services to teens (12-18) in public libraries in Finland. 78 Services for teens differs between Public libraries in Finland.  In the Public Libraries Act (1492/2016) it says, that public libraries are tasked with: 1) providing access to materials, information and cultural contents; 2) maintaining versatile and up-to-date collections; 3) promoting reading and literature; 4) providing information services, guidance and support in the acquisition and use of information and in versatile literacy skills; 5) providing premises for learning, recreational activities, working, and civic activities; 6) promoting social and cultural dialogue. These services are of course aimed at teens also and very often libraries co-operate with schools to provide these services for teens. It is very common that a librarian…
I lost my helmet card. What have to do? 605 Hello,  You can get a new library card at any Helmet library by showing your ID card (with a photo) to the library personnel. At the library they can also check out, if your lost library card is maybe found, and can be fetched from a library somewhere.  The cost for a new card is 3 euros for adults, and 2 euros for children. Note, however, that you can also borrow books with an ID card, from the desk if there's personnel present, and if you are a registered customer. It is also possible to get a virtual library card to your smart phone by installing an app called Taskukirjasto, but you need to know your library card number and pin code in order to use it. With Taskukirjasto you can also renew your loans, make reservations etc. 
Dear Sir /Madam I am Masoumeh Omid , master student of library and information science University of Tehran ,IranI am writing to guide you for my thesis. That… 247 In Sello Library - as well as in other Espoo City Library Libraries as well - Customers can register themselves for a user of Celia -services. Celia offers plenty of services for visual impaired people. See In the past the audiobooks were outloaned from a physical Library building as Compact discs, but nowadays the audiobooks are served via net directly to the customer.
I have some amount of personal books that I don't need anymore. Books are in Russian and English, in a good shape. I would be happy to give them away to the… 163 Hi, Thank you for your mail and for your interest to share your books with others.  Please contact any bigger library first to give some info to them in advance. Contact links: (Helmet library) Iso omena Library:  Contact information Suomenlahdentie 1 02230 Espoo  (09) 8165 7723   Entresse Library: Siltakatu 11 02770 Espoo  (09) 8165 3776   Sello library Leppävaarankatu 9 02600 Espoo  09 81657603   Tapiola library Kulttuuriaukio 2 02100 Espoo  050 428 9392      
I have German and English language books I would let go for space reasons, could I bring them to a library (preferably Kallio or center) so someone can have a… 399 Many libraries in Helmet area have a book exchange service. You can take your books for example to Kallio, Pasila, Vallila, Rikhardinkatu or Library 10. However, the libraries prefer to take in only a few books at the same time, so if you plan to bring lots of them, please contact the staff in advance. Hopefully your books will find a new home!
Do you know any activities/animations for or with people with mental or psychic disability happening in librairies in Finland? Do you know anything to raise… 794 There are some projects that have studied this topic exactely. One was in Pori, for personlig who have suffered psychic problems and alcoholism, contact Asko Hursti, on this matterää, here some information, but it is in Finnish. Another one in Lapland, Kittilä, about disabled and elderly people, contact,, for disabled in Middle Finland Vesanto,, contact These both focus on hearing, reading and activities. In Mikkeli the scope is on digital skills for people with problems in mental health http://hankkeet.…
I am writing an academic article about public libraries and I need to send out my online questionnaires to Finnish public librarians. Who should I contact or… 807 There are several possibilities where to send your online questionnaires, depending on the nature of your survey. You have to decide to whom you want to send your questionnaires. You could think about whether you would like to send the questionnaires for the library administration (library directors etc.) or individual librarians. It could also be useful to think which libraries you want to include. The provincial libraries are the libraries that are in charge of the public library service in their regions. In addition to them, there are several smaller libraries and branch libraries. Frank Metasearch -site includes a list of all Finnish public libraries and provincial libraries: After deciding which…
I would like to rent a small place to organize some events for my private students, such as a reading club, a film projection, a debate. I am private freelance… 914 Helmet libraries offer you group work rooms, meeting rooms and class rooms. These rooms and libraries that have these rooms you can see page Libraries and services
Can I return a book loan from Vuosaari library to an other library in Helsinki (ex: Itäkeskus or Herttoniemi)? Thank you. 1143 You can return a book loan from Vuosaari library to any HelMet library in Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa or Kauniainen.
I don't find the service from helmet about the option to chat with librarian online. Is this service not available anymore ? 977 Thank you for your question. HelMet-chat was a trial last February. Let us hope that the service will continue later.
Dear Madame, Dear Sir, I have a question about Finish library statistics. I found the website with a lot of information. I was wondering if there… 1232 We have a public library statistics -database, but it does’nt include statistics about Internet access in libraries anymore. We had figures on our pages in the early 2000’s, but nowadays we do’nt give those figures anymore, because all public libraries have Internet access (this fact is stated ex.g. on the site of the Ministry of Education and Culture). We can somewhat safely conclude that atleast almost all if not all public libraries provide internet access and computers for their customers. Ministry of Education and Culture The question about WiFi-connections is more difficult. We do'nt have a listing made by libraries. On a service available in the Net…
Good morning, According to the Finnish library law, every municipality and city MUST provide library services. Does it mean that library services (or… 1159 Yes, even the smallest municipality in Finland has to provide some library services. There are some municipalities with a couple of hundred inhabitants in Finland: Sottunga (122 inhabitants), Kökar (258 inhabitants), Kumlinge (371 inhabitants), and Lumparland (391 inhabitants), and each has a small library. For example, the Kökar Library has about 7 600 books, and 36 loans per a customer (in 2007). If there are many villages in a municipality, there is no need to maintain a library in every village. Usually, the library is located in the biggest village, or in the center of the municipality. Municipalities can also provide library services together, but many municipalities prefer to maintain their own library. The Finnish term “kunta” (‘a…
Is there any possibility to read books online? And if yes, then how? 1038 Yes, there is. First, go to this page Then, put two ** into the first box, choose E-books from the menu and choose Go. As a result you can see all of our E-books. You can borrow these E-books with your Helmet Library Card number plus your PIN-code. You can get a PIN-code only by showing your identification card in the library.
Do you have a national chat-service in the library in Finland? 2607 We are planning a national library chat-service, but it has'nt been published yet. At present we have only local services in Finland.
I read about the libraries at finland, and I like to tell you that I like to contact the libraries at finland, may you tell me how can i begin with you? I like… 1395 There are hundreds of libraries in Finland, both public libraries and university or special libraries. The best place to start when looking for information on Finnish libraries is quite likely the web address . The web site is available in English language also. " provides access to Finnish Library Net Services under one user interface. The portal serves as a starting point especially for users seeking information about libraries, culture and information services. The services are meant to be every-day tools for library workers, but they are also available for anyone co-operating with or interested in library matters." From the subpage you can find many links to…
I am an oversea student studying in Finland. May I obtain a library card by presenting passport? 1986 You can obtain a library card and borrowing rights by presenting a photo-enhanced ID-card such as: I.D. card from EU countries Passport Finnish driver’s licence Finnish SII card with photo Helsinki reception centre’s resident card Your home address must be in Finland. However, PO Box, PosteRestante as well as a long-term hotel address are also acceptable. More information about the library card is to be found in or at the nearest library.
I am an undergraduate student from Tallinn, Estonia. I am preparing to write my BA diploma and I am looking for all the possible information I can find on the… 1065 Everyone can visit Finnish public (and university) libraries. Library services are basically free, but for example overdued loans, printing and copying are charged for. A library card is not necessary when visiting a library, and there is no entrance fee. In Helsinki City Library printouts and photocopies cost 0,20€ each. You´ll find contact information in our website . Welcome to Helsinki City Library!