What is Ask a librarian service? what is the relevance of the service Ask a librarian? where or what source can i find information regarding Ask a librarian… |
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Ask a Librarian is the joint digital reference service of Finnish libraries. It’s situated in the site Libraries.fi, the national library portal for Finnish libraries. Libraries.fi is produced by the Central Library for Public Libraries in Finland, which is Helsinki City Library and it’s financed by the Ministry of Education. The Ask a Librarian started in the year 1999. Answers are given in three languages: Finnish, Swedish and English. Ask a Librarian has a public archive, where answers are stored and can be used by other information seekers. The archive also exists in three languages, http://www.libraries.fi/ask_l...ive.aspx .
The question is sent in via a web form, the answer is delivered to the email-address given by the customer.… |
I am writing a master's work on the study of corporate virtual reference services of libraries of foreign countries! Help me, please, to find information about… |
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First, more information about Ask a Librarian can be found in our archive by searching with the keyword Ask a Librarian, http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/ask_librarian/keywords/ . In the Library branch channel of Libraries.fi, http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/library_branch/articles/, there is a powerpoint-presentation about Ask a Librarian (2007), some of the numbers are old, but otherwise it still contains valid information.
As for your questions, I try to give you answers below.
We have no other restrictions than those mentioned. The most important fact to remember is that we work in a library, we help find information, but we can not always provide ready answers, in for instance questions concerning health, sicknesses or law. In cases… |
Do Yleisten Kirjastojen Keskuskirjasto and Kirjastojen valtakunnalliset verkkopalvelut -yksikkö have names in English? If so, what are they? |
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Yleisten Kirjastojen Keskuskirjasto is Central Library for Public Libraries in English and the name of our unit is Networked Library Services Unit.
What is ask librarian service |
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Ask a Librarian is the joint digital reference service of Finnish libraries. It’s situated in the site Libraries.fi, which is the national library portal for all Finnish libraries (public, special, university libraries). Libraries.fi is produced by the Central Library for Public Libraries in Finland, which is Helsinki City Library and it’s financed by the Ministry of Education. The Ask a Librarian started in the year 1999. Answers are given in three languages: Finnish, Swedish and English. Ask a Librarian has a public archive, where answers are stored and can be used by other information seekers. The archive also exists in three languages, http://www.libraries.fi/ask_librarian/archive.aspx .
The question is sent in via a web form, the… |
Dear Sir! I'm doing research about VRS for NDL of Korea I want to know the below questions. 1. Structure of "Ask A Librarian" consotium 2. How many Libraries… |
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1. The Ask a Librarian is organised in the following way. The basic idea of the service is “Question meets expert”. It means that the person who feels he can give a good answer, answers. Of course the presence of special libraries stresses this aspect. We have a system that ensures that every question will be answered within three working days. The questioner gives his municipality of residence in the question form or chooses an answering library. The chosen municipality or library is shown in the answering application and the library in question in expected to answer. All participating libraries follow the questions coming in, bigger ones check every day the answering application, smaller ones get automatically an email when a question… |
I`m a student who studying in library Science. I`m interested in Ask A Librarian and also CDRS (Cooperative Digital Reference Service). so can I ask you some… |
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Information about Ask a Librarian can be found for instance in our Archive, by klicking the word Ask a Librarian in our keyword list, on this page below http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/ask_librarian/archive.aspx . Also in the Library branch, http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/library_branch/articles/ , section we have some information about the Ask a Librarian (powerpoint) under the heading Libraries.fi, http://www.kirjastot.fi/File/bd634b74-8fd1-4cf5-ba46-e83d0d42fa2b/Ask%2… .
The Archive is an important part of our service. We store all such answers in the archive which include information that could be of interest to other information seekers. Answers concerning personal matters or personal information are'nt published in the public part of… |
I need a pattern according to whicth I can offer "ask a librarian" service in reference section of my library. I live in Iran I want to know whitch libraries… |
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I'm afraid that your specific question about iranian libraries offering an Ask a librarian -service is too difficult for me to answer, since i can't read arabic letters and can not therefore search the websites of iranian libraries. It might be a good idea to ask for assistance in the National library of Iran, http://www.nlai.ir/ . There is an international Ask a librarian service Questionpoint.org, that migt be able to help you http://www.questionpoint.org . In Sweden there is a multilingual Ask a librarian -service, they do not yet offer service in arabic, but they are planning to do so, maybe they could help you in your search. The address is http://www.eref.se/se-admin/vrleb_question_patron.asp?virtual_desk_id=43 .
I can tell you… |
I have to write an extended essay. My chosen theme is: "How the online librarys reference desks work all around the world?" I would like to ask you a favour… |
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First some facts about the Ask a librarian, http://www.libraries.fi/ask_librarian/ . It is the joint online reference inquiry service of the Finnish libraries. This means that the questions are answered in many libraries in the whole country. There is a list containing the participating libraries in our service, http://www.libraries.fi/ask_librarian/libraries/ . We provide service in three languages: finnish, swedish and english. There is also a more simple question form for children in finnish and swedish.
1) The most often asked questions.
I’m afraid there is no fresh study about the contence of the questions. There is one student who is planning to make a study about the reference questions sent to our service, but I’m afraid that she… |
I am an Egyptian student , I am doing my master in Library and Information science, My theses is about (Egyptian public libraries web sites on Internet). In my… |
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I assume that your question concerns the Libraries.fi(Kirjastot.fi)-web site (http://www.kirjastot.fi , http://www.biblioteken.fi , http://www.libraries.fi ). This website was originally the website of Finnish Public Libraries. Presently there are also other Libraries in the service, that is why it now is the Website of Finnish Libraries. It was published for the first time june 1995.
The first problem that you face is the fact that our english website is only a very much shortened version of the finnish and the swedish websites. So if you want to compare your Egyptian website with the Finnish one, you would have to explore the finnish version of the site. Some information about Kirjastot.fi can be read in the infopage, http://www.… |
What is the target group (customers, audience) for this Ask a Librarian Service? |
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This service is meant for everyone. Since we are finnish and operating in three languages, of which the two are the official languages In Finland, Finnish and Swedish, most users are finns (both Finnish speaking and Swedish speaking). We want to help also persons from abroad who have questions concerning Finland. Our questioners fit all descriptions: adults with professional or “practical” information needs, students, schoolchildren and senior citizens.
Who will answer Ask a Librarian guestions - the specialists or librarians? How big is this service? How good (accurate, detailed) are the answers? |
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People who are giving answers in our service are all librarians. In addition of 51 public libraries there are also special libraries participating this service.
The Ask a Librarian started in 1999. We have sent almost 70 000 answers (-2018). Of these almost 40 000 are in the public archive of the service. In the year 2017 2830 questions were answered, this year 3054 (1.1.2018-22.10.2018). In the year 2017 174 different librarians answered question in the service.
It is a bit difficult to estimate how good (accurate, detailed) the answers are. Our target is to give as good answers as possible. We usually give a couple of good sources (books and web-sites) but quite often also advice, how to search (adresses of the databases, suitable… |
How is Finnish Ask a Librarian service organized and how it functions (including technical aspects)? |
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Ask a Librarian is a joint online reference enquiry service with a trilingual user interface. In its present form the service was started in 1999. Use of the service is free of charge.
At the moment, 27 public libraries, Parliament library and Library of Statistics are available for answering questions. More libraries are expected in join in.
Answers are given within 3 working days. The answer is sent to the e-mail address given by the customer in the question form. 2569 answers were given in 2002 and 2647 in 2001, with very positive feedback from users. Most of the answers are stored in a public archive. In the archive the answers can be searched by free-text, date or keywords. All public answers are stored in the The Finnish archive,… |