Dear Sir! I'm doing research about VRS for NDL of Korea I want to know the below questions. 1. Structure of "Ask A Librarian" consotium 2. How many Libraries…


Dear Sir!
I'm doing research about VRS for NDL of Korea

I want to know the below questions.
1. Structure of "Ask A Librarian" consotium
2. How many Libraries(public, academic, specail etc.) or research centers are joined? (in your state/country/nation/world)
3. Which organization is charge for the VRS in your country?
4. Requirements for consotium member.(number of librarians, etc.)
5. Available stastic report or survay especially Email reference service (Loading time for question type, Loading time for question Level, etc.)
6. Librarians Manual for VRS especially Email reference service
7. Routing process for Email reference service
8. Library Manual for participating library

I found a lot of supporting meterials in QuestionPoint's,
but the GRN and QuestionPoint's meterials not enough to develop our VRS
Because of Language problem and Infra of our public librarie's ability and consotium.
I'm looking forward about each country's VRS your's


Last updated

1. The Ask a Librarian is organised in the following way. The basic idea of the service is “Question meets expert”. It means that the person who feels he can give a good answer, answers. Of course the presence of special libraries stresses this aspect. We have a system that ensures that every question will be answered within three working days. The questioner gives his municipality of residence in the question form or chooses an answering library. The chosen municipality or library is shown in the answering application and the library in question in expected to answer. All participating libraries follow the questions coming in, bigger ones check every day the answering application, smaller ones get automatically an email when a question from their municipality or topic is sent in.

Every library has selected one or two persons responsible for the follow-up. Two national editors, who work as reference librarians in Helsinki City Library check every day that there are no questions waiting for over three working days, and if there are, the editor contacts the responsible library or answers the question her/himself. If there are questions from other than participating municipalities, every one answers. Most regional central libraries follow these questions. Here again the national editor answers, in case no-one else has. The is yet another person, who surveys also all answering and furthermore the contents of the public archive.

2. We have 48 public libraries and 18 special/university libraries answering in the service,

3. a unit of the Central Library for Public Libraries in Finland + the libraries who participate.

4. We have no special requirements.

5. We do'nt have these kinds of surveys. In addition i did'nt understand what the expression "loading time" refers to.

6. We have instructions in Finnish and Swedish in our answering application. They are not public.

7. The question is send using a webformula, and the answer is send to the email-adress of the customer. It is also published in the public archive of our service, .

8. We have no special manual.

More information can be found in the public archive of our service, keyword Ask a Librarian and in the Library branch -channel, under articles a and presentations,

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