language courses

5 results. Showing 1–5 hits.
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I am looking for the audio for Finnish for foreigners 2 by Aaltio. I need audio for a work book. Could you, please, suggest where to find it in Helsinki region… 1088 This language course is quite old and the only edition of the audio for a work book  (Finnish for foreigners : 2, Exercises / Aaltio)   is from the year 1987, and it is just on cassette: The cassette tape is only in collections of National Library. You can reserve it as a reading room loan.
I want to learn Finnish acrross the distance, how can the Library help me getting studying materials? 1054 There are some Finnish courses online. You can find them via Infopankki. Infopankki is a website published by City of Helsinki:…
I'm living in Kuopio and I would like to learn Finnish language, pls let me know where I can find the course class in Kuopio. 2206 You can get information on Finnish courses in Kuopio on the following web pages:… (here you can also find links to online courses) (Kuopio Community College) Kuopio City Library also offers a wide range of Finnish language courses. You're welcome to have a look!
I would like to know if there exist any language course books for children who would like to learn finnish. Kiitos 1004 There is a book ”Juttuja ja tuttuja: suomea toisena kielenä seitsemäsluokkalaisille, by Paula Konsti, Helsinki, Opetushallitus 2003 (text book for about 13 years old children who are lerning Finnish as a second language). There are also some cdroms like “Eka kieliromppuni: suomea” and “Opi suomea! lapsille”. Maybe you could also try some ABC-book meant for Finnish speaking children, there are several of them, for example Kallioniemi, Tuula: Sukkelat sanat:esiopetuksen aapinen. Also you could try some Finnish picture dictionary, for example Lappalainen, Ulla: Aamu, suomen kielen kuvasanakirja maahanmuuttajille, esiopetukseen, päiväkoteihin, erityisopetukseen, kotikäyttöön . Then there are many books to learn Finnish actually meant for…
I am looking for material (books, cassetes, videos, CDs etc) for studying Danish (the language) on my own. Could you kindly tell me where would it be… 717 There are some Danish courses in English in the public libraries: Jones, W. Glyn : Colloquial Danish--a complete language course. 1998 Danish phrase book / compiled by Lexus Ltd with Gert Ronberg. 1998 Garde, Anna: Danish dictionary--English-Danish--Danish-English. 1995 | Scandinavian phrase book & dictionary. 1995 Elsworth, Bente: Danish--a complete course for beginners . 1994 The availability of these courses you can check in this Internet adress: