Why do our helmet accounts not work? I can send a screen shot if it helps but it says an authorization error occurred when I put my account number and pin… |
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I asked colleagues, but we invented, what could be wrong.
Would you go to your nearest library beads to investigate the matter?
Take your library card and photo identification with you.
Does espoon keskus library has free wifi for visitors? |
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You can use public Wi-Fi / WLAN in all Espoo city libraries, including the Entresse Library in the Espoo Centre.
Of the available wireless networks choose Espoo_asiakas. No password needed. Just click OK on the webpage you get in a web browser, and you should be online.
I am looking for help, guidance & how to coordinate my communication effectively using Social Media. Since I am self employed, the learning curve is very time… |
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The database of The Helsinki Metropolitan Area Libraries, Helmet (http.www.helmet.fi )offers a few books in English concerning social media and business communication. The books are as follows:
-Li, Charlene: Open leadership : how social media technology can transform the way you lead, Jossey-Bass, 2010
-Handley, Ann: Content rules: how to create killer blogs, podcasts, videos, ebooks, webinars (and more) that engage customers and ignite your business, Wiley, cop. 2011. The new rules of social media series
-What would Google do? / Jeff Jarvis; Collins Business, cop. 2009
For a few books more check the Goggle Books service. The browser will find a selection of suitable books for e.g. with the key words ‘social media, marketing,… |
Dear Madame, Dear Sir, I have a question about Finish library statistics. I found the website libraries.fi with a lot of information. I was wondering if there… |
1257 |
We have a public library statistics -database, http://tilastot.kirjastot.fi/en-GB/ but it does’nt include statistics about Internet access in libraries anymore. We had figures on our pages in the early 2000’s, but nowadays we do’nt give those figures anymore, because all public libraries have Internet access (this fact is stated ex.g. on the site of the Ministry of Education and Culture). We can somewhat safely conclude that atleast almost all if not all public libraries provide internet access and computers for their customers.
Ministry of Education and Culture
The question about WiFi-connections is more difficult. We do'nt have a listing made by libraries. On a service available in the Net… |
I want any information about Library toolbar "defination, how to build it, and thesis about how to make it" |
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Internet is full of information about library toolbars. Library Success' website has a long list of links to different kind of library toolbars:
I have to do an essay on impact of web 2.0 technologies on library and collection management? Please help. Is e-book an example of of web 2.0 technology? |
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Your question is very wide and it's hard to give you any definitive answers. When people talk about web 2.0 technologies in libraries they usually use the term Library 2.0 . Wikipedia has a nice article about Library 2.0. I think you should start by reading it. The article is full of references to other articles. You can find it here:
E-book is not necesserily a good example of web 2.0 technologies. Web 2.0 usually refers to the services, which use user driven technologies and collaboration. E-book is not like that. It is just like a normal book in a new digital platform.
A catalan friend taught me about the existence of this catalan government webpage (I'm sending you here the link to the english webpage dealing with it) http:/… |
784 |
There isn't any decent translator programs (Finnish to English, English to Finnish) that function on the public domain basis and are free for users.
You can try the following service:
The service is only a demo version and it accepts sentences, which has 60 or less characters.
There is also an international site, which isn't working at the moment http://christianreunion.org/transurl.htm
I'm a french guy writing you from Paris. I'm wondering where may I find other "Ask a librarian" websites on the web. Such websites from Europe, USA, Canada and… |
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Finnish Ask a librarian- service has an open archive. You can find it on the page www.libraries.fi, on the top on the right there is a link to Ask a librarian-service and right under that Archive. There are links to several online services from the page www.libraries.fi (Finnish version www.kirjastot.fi > Kirjastoala (on the top on the right) > Verkkotietopalvelu (on the bottom on the left) > Kirjastojen verkkotietopalveluita (or direct address http://www.kirjastot.fi/fi-FI/kirjastoala/verkkotietopalvelu/ )You can also find several European libraries from this address http://www.theeuropeanlibrary.org. You can search for online-services from each library’s own page. It is possible to find several Ask a librarian-services around… |
What finnish libraries carry out personal bibliographic informing in the Internet, like Aktiivi-PIKI in Tampere? |
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As far as I know, Pallas IntroActive system (in Tampere it is called Aktvii-Piki -service)is the only library program used in public libraries in Finland that contains personal bibligraphic informing part of the library services via Internet.
But Tampere is not the only library that uses Pallas -library system (+ IntroActive)in Finland. For example Turku, Oulu, Jyväskylä, Joensuu, Porvoo, Kajaani, Seinäjoki, Rovaniemi and Vaasa City Libraries and many other libraries use Pallas library system.
Dear Sir or Madam, I am a French librarian currently employed at the Public Library of Information. I am working on the organization of libraries as far as… |
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In reference to your inquiry concerning the Helsinki city library and its organisation, I hope that the following provides sufficient answers to your questions.
- Who writes the site's contents? The librarians of each department?
Editor-in-chief writes most of the contents with the help of some other librarians.
- Who brings the site up to date, technically speaking? Is there a unique webmaster or do several employees act as webmasters?
The main webmaster from the Online Library Unit is in charge of the overall technical administration of the Helsinki City Library’s web site, but some libraries also have their own assisting webmasters.
- Is there an editorial committee which decides on the outline of the website?
Yes, we have an editorial… |
How do i make a book reservation using the internet |
775 |
You can make book reservations (and other materials too) using our WebLibrary
-PIKI-verkkokirjasto in finnish http://kirjasto.tampere.fi:8000/
Just clik the flag icon on the left hand corner and You'll find the english version of our service.
(There is also a link to the service in our frontpage)
In order to make reservations You need a valid library card and and a password.
If you do not have a password or if you want to change your password, please contact the library staff.
You will get it from any of our libraries visiting them personally (passwords are not given by phone or email).
More information about our services in english
http://www.tampere.fi/… |
Can you tell me what kind of books that story about virtual librarian? |
667 |
I didn't quite understand the question but if you are interested in books that tell about virtual libraries and their development in general you might want to check books conserning library science (called "kirjastotiede" in finnish). For example these books tell about the subject:
- Borgman, Christine L.: From Gutenberg to the Global Information Infrastructure. 2000.
- Laverna M. Saunders (ed.): The Evolving Virtual Library. 1999.
- William Y. Arms: Digital Libraries. 2000.
Virtuaalikirjasto, finnish virtual library, can be found in the Internet http://www.jyu.fi/library/virtuaalikirjasto/engvirli.htm . There is also some general information about virtual libraries (see "Help" and "General instructions"). Other virtual libraries can be… |
I am looking for information about web forms and web usability |
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Here’s some information about webforms and web usability:
(including some downloads)
Books (available in libraries):
Heslop, Brent : HTML publishing on the Internet for Windows
Nielsen, Jakob : Designing Web usability
Tyler, Denise : Macromedia Flash 5
Are Finland's telephone white pages soon to be available on the internet?Tnaks |
1282 |
Here are a few Internet-links you can look. Some of them are in Finnish and you must register. Some of the information is free of charge and some isn't.
http://www.numeronetti.fi/kayttoohjeet/index.html , http://www.0100100.com/ .
You can look in English http://cc.inet.fi/cgi-bin/gwis/Site?26OAA3C47.k9lpQ_Xil7OeG2ypBryC8dCQ… .
Is there an online street map of Helsinki I can access on line? |
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You will find an online map of Helsinki in the Internet pages of Helsingin Sanomat. This is a free service. The site address is http://heti1.tieto.net/oikotie/etusivu and when you click the word 'KARTTAPALVELU' (ie. the map service in Finnish) you will get access to various maps of Finland including that of Helsinki. You just select Helsinki and you can search any street in Helsinki. The correct spelling of Kaivopoisto is Kaivopuisto.