Interlibrary loans

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I've just got a library card from the Kannelmaki public library in the Helmet network. I don't quite understand how the interlibrary loan fees work. For… 374 You can order an item as an interlibrary loan from elsewhere in Finland or abroad, if the item is not available in the collections of any HelMet library. The service is subject to a charge. If You reserve material for exampel from Pasila to Kannelmäki it is not interlibrary loan. Reservation from other Helmet Libary is free of charge.……
1) How it possible that Central Public Library in Helsinki charges the interlibrary loan. I thought that according to the Library Act/1998 should it be for… 1103 1a) Interlibrary loans sent from the Central Public Library to another library Current Library Act says in its chapter 4, paragraph 5, that the use of a public library’s own materials on the library premises as well as borrowing them is free of charge. The law stipulates further, that the interlibrary loans that the Central Public Library sends to other public libraries are free of charge. That is what Helsinki City Library does. The receiving library in the other end may charge their customer for an interlibrary loan sent from Helsinki City Library, but that has nothing to do with the latter. According to the law, the library may charge for other services than those mentioned. We do charge academic libraries for the interlibrary loans…
Can I order books from another library in Finland (e..g. Oulu Library) to be sent to Helsinki? If yes, what are the costs? Kittos. 906 Yes you can if the material you need doesn't exist in libraries in the metropolitan area. The form for interlibrary loans you find here . Interlibrary loan inside Finland or from Nordic countries costs 4 €.
I am looking for this article: Aarne A. Koskinen "1960 Ariki, the first born. An analysis of the Polynesian Chieftain title. The Folklore Fellow Communication?… 873 The book can be found in Finland from HELKA - Union Online Catalogue of the University of Helsinki Libraries Tekijä(t): Koskinen, Aarne A. Nimeke: Ariki the first-born : an analysis of a Polynesian chieftain title / Aarne A. Koskinen Julkaistu: Helsinki : Suomalainen tiedeakatemia, 1960-1961 Ulkoasu: 191, 155 s. Sarja: (FF communications, ISSN 0014-5815 ; n:o 181-182) Interlibrary loans are given between libraries, please contact your nearest library or Helsinki University Library interlibrary loan department email: . Helsinki University Library pricelist for interlibrary loans…