I am a FI-EN translator and I'm looking for a Finnish idiom dictionary, a Finnish equivalent of the Oxford Dictionary of Idioms. Do you know whether such a… |
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There is no monolingual dictionary of Finnish idioms as comprehensive as The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms available. The only similar book would be Naulan kantaan : nykysuomen idiomisanakirja (Otava, 1993). Though not quite what you are looking for, the phrasal dictionary Suurella sydämellä ihan sikana : suomen kielen kuvaileva fraasisanakirja (Gummerus, 2008) covers many Finnish idioms.You might also find the following bilingual dictionaries useful: Suomi-englanti idiomi- ja fraasisanakirja (Art House, 2007)Bird in the hand is worth kymmenen oksalla : 50 Finnish/English idioms in English and Finnish (WSOY, 2002)Parempi pyy pivossa kuin two in the bush : 50 Finnish idioms in English and Finnish = 50 englantilaista idiomia suomeksi ja… |
Working in Finnish Libraries |
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Thank you for message. I asked from my work colleague for information regarding this matter, as he moved from Australia to Finland many years ago. As I work for Espoo Libraries, I can only speak on behalf of our libraries. However, the library systems in Helsinki and Kerava are very similar. It is quite difficult to work in Finnish libraries without at least a working knowledge of Finnish. However, it's not impossible. I would suggest that you contact the libraries directly that you are interested in working in, and see if you can organise a work placement there. That way, they can see your working ability without any risk to them, and may be able to offer you a contract afterwards.
Also, if you move to Finland, then you will have the… |
I am taking the Helmet Reading Challenge for the first time this year. It is great way of choosing what to read and reading books that I would not normally… |
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Here are some suggestions for Sámi or Sámi language books that are translated in English:
Beyond the wolf line : an anthology of Sami poetry (1996) is a collection anthology of several Sámi writers.
Roađđi / Rosa Boreal / Boreal Rose : Contemporary Sámi Poetry (2016) is a multi-author collection of contemporary Sámi poetry. It includes poetry in Sámi, English and Spanish.
Trekways of the Wind (1994) and Greetings from Lappland (1983) are anthologies by the most famous Finnish-Sámi poet Nils-Aslak Valkeapää.
The White Stone (2011) by Kirste (or Kirsti) Paltto is a children’s book about loneliness.
In between worlds (2016) is a fantasy novel by Norwegian-Sapmi author and artist Máret Ánne Sara.
Unfortunately it's quite… |
Is Pulla often pronounced Bulla? |
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If you mean the Finnish word pulla (‘bun, coffeebread’), I think it can be pronounced as ‘bulla’ only if you have a flu or rarely in some Finnish dialects. According to Kielitoimiston sanakirja, the Finnish word bulla means also ‘papal bull’ - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papal_bull. |
I would Like to start taking Finnish language classes that are directed at foreigners and would like to start taking such classes immediately. Are there any… |
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Jyväskylä City Library does not arrange language courses. Please, take contact
Jyväskylän kansalaisopisto, Adult Education Centre
or Monikulttuurikeskus Gloria, Multicultural Center Gloria
https://www.gloriajkl.fi/en/info-gloria/ |
I'm a Finnish student from Spain and I found the English edition of Fred Karlsson's Finnish grammar. I know that a Spanish version was published but I can't… |
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The Spanish version of Fred Karlsson's Finnish grammar is Gramática básica del finés (Suomen peruskielioppi, traducción y adaptación: Ursula Ojanen et al., Universidad Autónoma de Madrid : Siglo XXI, distr., 1991, ISBN 84-7477-306-7). The book is available in some university libraries (Helsinki, Turku, Oulu and Jyvaskylä) and as well in some public libraries.
You can check the availability of the item for example in Finna https://finna.fi/ or in Frank Metasearch http://monihaku.kirjastot.fi/en/.
Fennica https://finna.fi
Me and my daughter (6 years old) will be in Finland/Helsinki in August. Could you be so kind to provide me the below mentioned informations; 1. we would like… |
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Here are some ideas for learning Finnish in Helsinki:
- Language cafés and discussion groups in Helmet Libraries (Helsinki Metropolitan Area Librar-ies)
- List of the Helsinki City Libraries and the addresses you’ll find at the following site
- Cafe Lingua in Helsinki
- Conversation Exchange Helsinki https://www.conversationexchange.com/s_map/learn.php?language=Finnish
- Here are some other face-to-face language exchange sites
https://www.mylanguageexchange.com/city/… |
Am Uma. Looking for the job in finland and i want to learn finnish & want to take part in cafe finnish learning program can you please advice about finnish… |
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Welcome to Finland!
Applying for a job is a good start here:
Finnish language courses are organized a lot .
This site will get you started and you will also find other useful information from Finland.
Libraries organize their Finnish language cafés:
I want to learn Finnish acrross the distance, how can the Library help me getting studying materials? |
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There are some Finnish courses online. You can find them via Infopankki. Infopankki is a website published by City of Helsinki:
Excuse me, I wrote you but I think that I didn't ask so good the question. I just arrived in finland so I need to learn finnish. I know that in korso's library… |
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There are no finnish courses at library. Maybe you mean at Lumo house? (Library is at same house.) There could be Vantaan aikuisopisto's courses. Ask more here: Opintoneuvoja Maija Mäenpää, puh. 09 8392 1243
I'm living in Kuopio and I would like to learn Finnish language, pls let me know where I can find the course class in Kuopio. |
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You can get information on Finnish courses in Kuopio on the following web pages:
(here you can also find links to online courses)
http://kansalaisopisto.kuopio.fi/fi/etusivu/ (Kuopio Community College)
Kuopio City Library also offers a wide range of Finnish language courses. You're welcome to have a look!
Could you give me some information on the origin of the word nisu? Is it a Swedish word? When did pulla replace this word? I live in Ohio, and the Finnish… |
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According to the etymological dictionary of modern Finnish language the word “nisu” has an analogue in all of the near related languages. Karelian and Estonian languages have the word “nisu” and the Veps language “ńižu”. Also the Sami language knows the word “njizzi” which is apparently derived from the same origin. The word is most likely a derivative of a word that means breast or teat (the Finnish word “nisä”). The concept of this is that the product of the teat (which is white and sweet milk) has same qualities that the mild-flavoured grain (wheat). In the Finnish literary language “nisu” has appeared since Agricola and it has been the primary designation of wheat until the 19th century.
The word “pulla” is a loan from “bulla” in the… |
Do you have audiobooks in the library? To learn languages, Spanish and Finnish? |
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You find plenty of finnish and spanish audiobooks in HelMet-libraries. You can do advanced search in http://www.helmet.fi/ with finnish keyword ÄÄNIKIRJAT. Then you choose CD as material type and the language you want.
I hope you find interesting and amusing audiobooks wich help you to learn new languages.
I would like to know if there exist any language course books for children who would like to learn finnish. Kiitos |
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There is a book ”Juttuja ja tuttuja: suomea toisena kielenä seitsemäsluokkalaisille, by Paula Konsti, Helsinki, Opetushallitus 2003 (text book for about 13 years old children who are lerning Finnish as a second language). There are also some cdroms like “Eka kieliromppuni: suomea” and “Opi suomea! lapsille”. Maybe you could also try some ABC-book meant for Finnish speaking children, there are several of them, for example Kallioniemi, Tuula: Sukkelat sanat:esiopetuksen aapinen. Also you could try some Finnish picture dictionary, for example Lappalainen, Ulla: Aamu, suomen kielen kuvasanakirja maahanmuuttajille, esiopetukseen, päiväkoteihin, erityisopetukseen, kotikäyttöön . Then there are many books to learn Finnish actually meant for… |
DEAR SIR, i have a request for u, i wanna know about finlands village named juuka (jennso)so if u have any web site link for juuka or have any book online … |
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Juuka Commune has its own webpage. Unfortunately there is only finnish version of it. http://www.juuka.fi/ I can translate you some of the basic facts.
Juuka is located in North-Karelia Finland onshore Lake Pielinen. Nearest cities are Nurmes, Lieksa ja Joensuu. Acreage of Juuka Commune is 1846 square kilometers of which 325 square kilometers is water. Shoreline is 438 kilometres. Population of the village is 3200. "Juuka" means small lake with a river runing through it. Public services is the biggest employer 48,7%, process industries 29,5%, agriculture and forestry 18,4%.
Some language learning links:
http://www.uta.fi/~km56049/… |
Where does the last name "Leija" come from? Is it from Finland? |
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Word "leija" is a Finnish word indeed. In English it is translated as "a kite". The noun "leija" comes from the verb "leijata" or "leijua" (to flow). In the old or dialectal Finnish language "leija" can also mean "a bridal veil". Leija is not a very much used word as a surname but surely it can be used. In the telephone catalogue of Helsinki there is only one person with the family name Leija. Leija can also be used in compound family names such as Leijavuori (a rough translation: Kite Mountain). There is no record of Leija as a first name.