I am a junior assistant librarian in a private university of Bangladesh for last 4 years.You know now a days the concept of library has been changed.I want to… |
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You find information on studying information and library sciences on our Library.fi portal under site Library Branch http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/library_branch/studies/. Information and library sciences can be studied in three universities in Finland, University of Tampere, University of Oulu and Turku Swedish University Åbo Akademi. For example University of Tampere offers Master´s degree programmes in different subjects even in English http://www.uta.fi/sis/en/studies/degrees.html
Polytechnic level studies qualify as well for working as a librarian with Bachelor´s level degree. A polytechnic/UAS Bachelor's degree gives you the general eligibility to apply for Master's level studies in Finland, but it may not automatically fulfill the… |