I am looking for help, guidance & how to coordinate my communication effectively using Social Media. Since I am self employed, the learning curve is very time… |
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The database of The Helsinki Metropolitan Area Libraries, Helmet (http.www.helmet.fi )offers a few books in English concerning social media and business communication. The books are as follows:
-Li, Charlene: Open leadership : how social media technology can transform the way you lead, Jossey-Bass, 2010
-Handley, Ann: Content rules: how to create killer blogs, podcasts, videos, ebooks, webinars (and more) that engage customers and ignite your business, Wiley, cop. 2011. The new rules of social media series
-What would Google do? / Jeff Jarvis; Collins Business, cop. 2009
For a few books more check the Goggle Books service. The browser will find a selection of suitable books for e.g. with the key words ‘social media, marketing,… |
How can I make good presentations and what resources can help me achieve that? |
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Here are books about presentation skills in work and business. All of these are to be found in HelMet libraries.
Walker, T. J.
How to give a pretty good presentation : a speaking survival guide for the rest of us
Bradbury, Andrew
Successful presentation skills
Navarro, Joe
Louder than words : take your career from average to exceptional with the hidden power of nonverbal intelligence
Gallo, Carmine
The presentation secrets of Steve Jobs : how to be insanely great in front of any audience
Hall, Richard
Brilliant presentations : what the best presenters know, do and say
Arnold, Jackie
Speaking on special occasions
Speechmaker's bible
Rev. and updated / by Nick Marshallsay and Jane Moseley
Jay, Antony
Effective presentation : how to create… |
Can get web sites and /or addresses of Finnish companies for smartcard based business solutions, such as: - T&A Clocking - Access Control - IT Security -… |
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Here is the site of Aldata –group http://www.aldata-solution.com/. It is one of the leading Finnish companies that sells smart card solutions to business. For instance our library has a smart card solution from them.
On this page you’ll find their customers in different countries on retail and wholesale branch:
They'll probably will tell you more about their finnish customers by e-mail if you contact them.