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I would like to know how to make toothpaste. 718 Here are a couple of web sites where you can read how toothpaste is made:
The flags of Islamic nations are often decorated with the crescent moon. What is the relation between Islam and the crescent moon? 1004 Here are a couple of articles on the subject:
Why do zebras have stripes? 837 The stripes work as camouflage making zebras indistinguishable to other animals, and on the other hand they also actually help zebras recognize one another. See: How the stripes have developed is a question of evolution:
Does exist a synchronous digital reference service in Italy?? Thank you. 1655 You have sent your question to the "Ask a librarian" service in Finland. Here we cannot have the best possible expertise concerning libraries in Italy. That is why I recommend for you to redirect your request to some italian library. There seem to be several services of the kind "Chiedi alla tua biblioteca":
I would like to know about the Lucifer Effect. 755 The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil (Random House, 2007) is a book written by Philip Zimbardo. In this book he offers a psychological account of how ordinary people sometimes turn evil and commit unspeakable acts. For further details, see:
Why purple colour is used for psychotherapy? 709 You probably mean colour therapy, which is not a branch of classical psychotherapy. On the other hand, arts therapy is widely accepted as valid treatment among classical psychotherapists as well, but in this kind of arts therapy, separate colours hardly have special meaning or significance. In colour therapy, the colour purple can be interpreted in several ways. Have a look e.g. at the following links:
I would like to know about the origin of the English language. 931 You will find lots of good web pages about the origin of the English language simply by using the search terms "english language history" in any internet search engine. E.g. here is one thorough article on the subject: If you would like to get more personalized answers to your question, I would suggest for you to turn to some "Ask a librarian" service in any English-speaking country. We Finns might not be the best possible specialists of the English language.
Is Christmas really the birthday of Jesus? 1098 We can say with all probability that the 25th December is not a real birthday of Christ. This day was celebrated as a Christian feast first in the middle of the 4th century. There are many theories about the reasons of the choice of the 25th December since the Bible does not provide any clear information in this matter. (a) historical theory of religion The 25th December has some connection with feasts of other religions. The Christians borrowed a feast from some neighbouring religion or they deliberately wanted to supersede such one. In fact, the cult of Sun was in the beginning of fourth century popular in the Roman empire and it has been suggested that the 25th December was celebrated as a birthday of Sun. In any case the time round…
I'm curious to know why Firefox 3 has vanished from the public computers. I think there was a vague, security-related explanation months ago when clicking on… 868 The problem is due to compatibility between Firefox and Citrix system which the public computers use. So that is why Firefox is currently removed from public computers in Helsinki. The problem is not yet solved and unfortunately it is still not known when Firefox will be back in public computers. Your comments have been forwarded to the IT unit of Helsinki City Library. Thanks for your feedback.
What is the digital library? 650 A digital library is a library where collections are stored in digital formats and not books or musical records. The digital content may be stored either locally or accessed by eletronic networks. Futher information at:
I am a French student and I want to know if we can speak of a liturgical unity in the Church of England in the 1960s - 1970s. Did all the parishes use the same… 1792 In the beginning of the 1960s the Church of England had only one official liturgical manual, the Book of Common Prayer (edition 1662, with some later additions). Many pastoral and theological reasons (archaic language, new knowledge about old liturgical and patristic texts, new emphasizing of Holy communion as a centre of liturgical life etc) required the revision but consensus was not reached. The Anglo-Catholic party presumed that BCP 1662 had dismissed the old genuine tradition of the pre-Reformation English Christianity, the evangelicals regarded it as too Roman Catholic. In 1927-1928 the organs of the Church had drafted and sanctioned a moderate revision of Prayer book but the enterprise was defeated by the Parliament. The event…
Dear Sir, I am student from NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY--Library and Information Science. In this semester i took one subject about Reading Library, In my final… 1033 Children´s library work in Helsinki is very active and versatile including for example co-operation with schools, Real Reader campaigns and “book tipster” activities promoting reading in libraries, schools and day-care centers. Here are some Internet pages concerning library services for children and book talk in Helsinki City Library: Reading is a Joy, Raija Poutiainen´s article about book talk or book tipping in schools. Annual Reports of the Helsinki City Library containing information of library services and activities for children. Children´s web pages of The Helsinki City Library http://www.lib.hel…
How to listen to music cd in library? 1047 Many HelMet-libraries have their own music department. You find the list here (sorry, but the information is only in Finnish) Libraries with music department have cd-players for listening music in library. Greatest and most diverse collection of music offers Library 10 There are four fixed cd-players and also headphones to loan for music listening. Also other HelMet-libraries have smaller cd-collections and fixed or portable cd-players for library patrons. Some libraries have also cd-towers for music listening. Maybe the best way is to contact your library beforehand and ask about possibilities to listen music there.
How can i know the recent development in the libraries - i want to know what is the modern develpment in the libraries ? 968 It would be easier to answer your question if you could define it a little bit. What kind of libraries are you interested in – public, scientific, specialist etc.? Libraries where, all over the world? You sent your question to the Finnish Ask a librarian service, so I’ll give you some kind of an answer from a Finnish point of view. This might, however, not be anything near to what you would like to know. If so, please send us – or to some other similar service elsewhere - a new question. First of all, you could check the following pages: There you will find lots of information about all libraries in Finland. If you click the link “Library branch” -> Articles and presentations -> The Scandinavian Public…
I want to know the trend of oil price next 2 years? 649 It is impossible to say anything reliable about the trend of oil price in forthcoming 2 years. The oil price has been going down rapidly recently and there is no end in sight. But after the price drop, the price will certainly increase again. Many specialists have been talking about the oil running out. Some say, that this is miscalculation. If the oil is running out, the crude oil price is obviously going very high. You can find a lot of information and speculation about the oil price. Here is links to some of the sites:
What is the first stamp in the world? 583 The first postage stamp is the Penny Black, which was issued by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland on 1 May 1840. You can find more information about Penny Black here:
Who made forks? 625 According to the site The history of eating utensils, the forks were introduced by the Greeks, atleast to the western history of eating utensils. See, These following books could give you more information: Petroski, Henry. The Evolution of Useful Things. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992. Giblin, James Cross. From Hand to Mouth: Or, How We Invented Knives, Forks, Spoons, and Chopsticks & the Table Manners To Go With Them. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1987.
Is autism from congenital disease or not? 996 We do not have the expertise to answer medical questions or contemplate questions like this. The best person you can ask this question would be an expert in autism. Maybe you could ask a faculty of medicine near your home residence, whether they can recommend you somebody. You can find information about autism for instance in following books (which I found in our collections in Finland): Wall, Kate, Autism and early years practise : a guide for early years professionals, teachers and parents. London : Paul Chapman Publishing, 2004. Frith, Uta, Autism.: Esplaining the enigma. 1990. Tinbergen, Niko, Autistic children.1985. Tammet, Daniel, Born on a blue day : a memoir of Asperger's and an extraordinary mind. London : Hodder & Stoughton,…
How long bears sleep in winter season? 906 The encyclopedia britannica says that most bears sleep in the winter time a long period. I found a finnish Intersite about bears which describes winter sleep as follows: The winter sleep durates about a half a year, bears enter their winter locations between september-november and awaken between march and may. These are the conditions in Finland and much depends off course in how could/warm the wheather is.
What is Lake Wobegon Effect? 856 Here is a defition from Word Spy, Lake Wobegon effect n. The tendency to treat all members of a group as above average, particularly with respect to numerical values such as test scores or executive salaries; in a survey, the tendency for most people to describe themselves or their abilities as above average. Also: Lake Woebegon effect, Lake Woebegone effect. contains refetences to literature Alicke, M. D., & Govorun, O. (2005). The better-than-average effect. In Alicke, M. D., D. A. Dunning & J. I. Krueger, The Self in Social Judgment New York: Psychology Press. (ISBN 978-1-84169-418-4) Kruger, J. (1999). Lake Wobegon be gone! The…