I wonder if the library has service for copying all book and binding it. I am interesting copying book that I borrowed from the library since it is not…


I wonder if the library has service for copying all book and binding it. I am interesting copying book that I borrowed from the library since it is not possible to get it in the shops. If there is no such a service of the library it would be nice if I would get contact information of a place that can do the work in the Helsinki in case you are aware of any.


Last updated

You can make copies in all libraies at 0,30€/page. If you want somebody to do it for you, the cost amounts to 1€/page.
We have no binding service. Have you tried the old books shops? You might find your book that way. Below find a link to antiqurian bookshops in Helsinki, http://www.tie.to/kirjat/.

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