I am looking for Finland's Employment Contracts Act in English. The number for the act is 320/1970. Can you send the web site or send it as an attachment to…


I am looking for Finland's Employment Contracts Act in English. The number for the act is 320/1970. Can you send the web site or send it as an attachment to my e-mail address?


Last updated

Unfortunately I could not find the act in English either. Finland being a bilingual country all the legislation is both in Finnish and Swedish, not necessarily in English. Now, I wonder, whether you are interested in this old act from 1970 or prefer an up to date statute. The fact is that the Employment Contracts Act has been totally revised. The new act 55/2001 came into force June 1, 2001 and replaces the act 320/1970. You can find it in Finnish or Swedish in http://www.finlex.fi/ , but of course it needs to be translated. The Library of Parliament is specializing in legislation, so I guess they might be able to help you. Their e-mail is: kirjasto @eduskunta.fi.

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