I am a japanese student. I bought the book "suomea suomeksi" to study suomi. If it is possible , I want to join a suomi class where they use this textbook. If…


I am a japanese student.
I bought the book "suomea suomeksi" to study suomi.
If it is possible , I want to join a suomi class where they use this textbook.
If you know some information, please tell me and how to join.
Thank you.


Last updated

Adult Education Centre in Jyväskylä (in the City Library building, Vapaudenkatu 39-41) has Finnish for foreigners courses. I am not sure if they have courses in the summertime, but they will have next autumn (enrolment in August). Last semester they used a book called Hyvin menee, but the book for the next semester has not been decided.

Adult Education Centre: http://www.jyvaskyla.fi/kansalaisopisto/inenglish

University Language Centre has also Finnish courses for students: https://kielikeskus.jyu.fi/opetus/suomi-toisena-ja-vieraana-kielena/en/…

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