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My family has few books that would like to donate, give them further. Does the main library from Jyväskylä accepts book donations? 32 I'm sorry, but Jyväskylä City Library no longer accepts book donations. The main library has a special shelf for customers, where you can bring unnecessary books and take the ones you want from the shelf. You can only bring a few books to the shelf because there is limited space. The book exchange shelf is on the 1st floor of the main library next to the elevator.
Onko sulla tämän kirja 1. Berman,A., Synder., Kozier B. and Erb G.2008. Fundamental of Nursing 2. Evaluation of clinical competence 2nd Edition, Eric S… 40 Hi! You should  ask  about these books at JAMK University of Applied Sciences Library https://www.jamk.fi/en/services/library  or  you can search these books  yourself  by Jamk University of Applied Sciences Online Library https://janet.finna.fi/?lookfor=&lng=en-gb. Kind regards
I saw a kantele on the shelf in the main library but I didn't find this instrument listed in the borrowing list of instruments. I'd like to ask whether there… 60 There are four kanteles available for borrowing in the Jyväskylä main library. The list of instruments to borrow is here: Lainattavat soittimet | Keski-Finna The list includes two pages and you can find the kanteles on the second page.The loan period is two weeks. 
I'm Vietnamese and I'm living in Jyvaskyla. I would like to request some books in vietnamese but I don't know how to search the list of them. Could you please… 51 Good morning! There is Multilingual Library in Helsinki. Multilingual collection contains library material for adults, young people and children in more than 80 rarer languages. Here is the link to the library: https://www.libraries.fi/multilingual-library You can browse the collection yourself and choose the books you want. Then you can send the list of those books as a request for interlibary service . Email address of interlibrary service  is kaukopalvelu@jyvaskyla.fi    
When was Jyväskylä established or founded? Our family is coming for a sukujuhla from the USA on August 26th. 66 The City of Jyväskylä was founded on 22 March 1837, when Emperor of Russia and Grand Duke of Finland, Nicholas I of Russia, signed the charter of the city. Jyväskylä - Wikipedia
How do I book a meeting room for 25 people? 96 you can call to our Library for renting these rooms monday-thursday clock 12-15.  Kirjasto.taloustoimisto@jkl.fi 014 266 4111    
How do you make a suggestion for a new book? There used to be a link at the bottom of the web page - but it isn't there anymore? 171 You can make a suggestion for a new book from Keski-Finna page Feedback: https://keski.finna.fi/Feedback/Form/AcquisitionRequest  
I would Like to start taking Finnish language classes that are directed at foreigners and would like to start taking such classes immediately. Are there any… 644 Jyväskylä City Library does not arrange language courses. Please, take contact  Jyväskylän kansalaisopisto, Adult Education Centre https://www.jkl.fi/kansalaisopisto or Monikulttuurikeskus Gloria, Multicultural Center Gloria https://www.gloriajkl.fi/en/info-gloria/
I have problems with my laptop so I´m looking to rent a laptop as a short term solution. Is this possible at the library in Jyväskylä or do you know a place… 552 Jyväskylä Main Library and all branch libraries have customer PCs with access to a word processor. The PCs can be booked in advance, at the Main Library on tel. (014) 266 4123, and at branch libraries by telephoning the library in question. Red more.. http://www.jkl.fi/kirjasto/eng/using#booking In the following address in the internet they promise to rent laptops. Look in English. http://it-apurit.fi/tietokone-vuokraus/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIseHNidWN1wIVj…
Terve - At what age may children visit the library without parents (by themselves)? Kiitos - Laura 758 Hei! There are no age limits for visiting library in Jyväskylä. With parent’s permission children are allowed to visit the library by themselves at any age.
I would like to ask how can I donate a book to the library in Jyväskylä without going there in person ( I live in Tampere). Thank you in advance! 1237 Hi, we hope that books that one donates are in a good condition. If we have that book already many peaces, we don't take it. You can take it back when you come to the library. We don't send it back. If you want post your donation to Jyväskylä library, the address is: Jyväskylän kaupunginkirjasto - Keski-Suomen maakuntakirjasto Vapaudenkatu 39-41 40100 Jyväskylä Write a letter also, so we know your purpose. Thank you!
Could you please give me a brief history of the Jyväskylä Library. Thank you 1181 Hi Fiona, I'm afraid there is no written history of Jyväskylä City Library available in English. In our website there is a brief history written in Finnish: http://www.jyvaskyla.fi/kirjasto/erikoissivustot/historia Maybe you can translate it and find the facts you need? There is also a comprehensive study about Jyväskylä City Library available: http://www.jyvaskyla.fi/instancedata/prime_product_julkaisu/jyvaskyla/e… Please contact us for further information if needed.
Can I scan my document in the city library 634 Hi Sulaymon, Yes, there is a scanner on the 3th floor in the main library (Vapaudenkatu 39-41). If you want to reserve it, the number is 014 266 4123. Welcome to scan!
I heard about a possible language class you hold at the Jyväskylä city library? If so how do I get the information about this course? 984 You can contact Jyväskylä Adult Education Center. It is situated in the same building with the library. Information point Tel. 014 26 64071, 014 26 64073 http://www.jyvaskyla.fi/kansalaisopisto/inenglish
I have made a reservation and my book has arrived. Can I borrow the book without paying the reservation fee at that point? I mean, can I pay the reservation… 989 Yes, you can pay the reservation fee later, if your overall fees do not exceed 8 euros.
Is it possible to order or recommend the purchase of an item not currently in the library? if so, can i do it online? i am a member. thanks 864 It is possible, but we have only form in Finnish. You can do it online in this address: http://jkl226.jkl.fi/Aalto?formid=j_hanki&ulang=eng
I am a japanese student. I bought the book "suomea suomeksi" to study suomi. If it is possible , I want to join a suomi class where they use this textbook. If… 1290 Adult Education Centre in Jyväskylä (in the City Library building, Vapaudenkatu 39-41) has Finnish for foreigners courses. I am not sure if they have courses in the summertime, but they will have next autumn (enrolment in August). Last semester they used a book called Hyvin menee, but the book for the next semester has not been decided. Adult Education Centre: http://www.jyvaskyla.fi/kansalaisopisto/inenglish University Language Centre has also Finnish courses for students: https://kielikeskus.jyu.fi/opetus/suomi-toisena-ja-vieraana-kielena/en/…
I am looking for a book on how to learn car driving. I want the book in English language and if I can get that book transferred/reserved at Keltinmaki library… 952 Hi, The newest book in our library for drivers's licence in English is Driving school manual(2006), which is presently on loan. There are some older books available in the Jyväskylä main library at the moment. You find them in the WEB-library by using subject heading: ajo-opetus and select English as additional search term.
I am a librarian in the netherlands in Veenendaal. My daughter comes 31 august for 4 month to Jyvaskyla university for her master. Can she get a membercard of… 1161 Hello, your daughter can get a library card of Jyväskylä City Library, when she has come in Finland and has an address. That means: she has a home here. Tell her also to take her passport with her to get the card. It does not cost anything. A library card is a personal card and it is given to anyone on application who can provide a proof of his/her identity and address in Finland. A library card can be applied for at any of the library’s branches and the same card can be used in all of the libraries in the City of Jyväskylä and in other Aalto Libraries. An applicant under the age of 15 must have a written consent from his/her guardian. Read more: Library in English http://www.jyvaskyla.fi/kirjasto/eng http://www.jkl.fi/kirjasto/eng/using…
Could you please guide me which children and adult library is the nearest to Roninmeantie. 437 The nearest public library to Roninmäentie in Keltinmäki Library (Keltinmäen kirjasto). Here is an english language link to the opening hours and contact informations of Jyväskylä City Library: http://www.jkl.fi/kirjasto/eng/open. Please bring an ID with a photo (i.e. passport), when applying for the membership.