Onko sulla tämän kirja 1. Berman,A., Synder., Kozier B. and Erb G.2008. Fundamental of Nursing 2. Evaluation of clinical competence 2nd Edition, Eric S…


Onko sulla tämän kirja

1. Berman,A., Synder., Kozier B. and Erb G.2008. Fundamental of Nursing

2. Evaluation of clinical competence 2nd Edition, Eric S Holmboe, Steven J Durning, Richard E Hawkins

3. Drug calculations/ process and problems for clinical practice Sixth Edition, Brown Mulholland

4. Numeracy in nursing and healthcare: Calculations and practice. Shihab, pearl 2010

5.Drug calculations process and problems for clinical practice sixth Edition Brown Mulholland

6. Evidence Based practice in Nursing and Healthcare Bernadette Mazurek, Melnyk, Ellen Fineout overholt.




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