Do you hold a list of the publishing companies in Helsinki? Would like to know who the top 5 publishing companies are in Helsinki, Finland.


Do you hold a list of the publishing companies in Helsinki? Would like to know who the top 5 publishing companies are in Helsinki, Finland.


Last updated

The Finnish publishing companies can be found on the internet http://booknet.cultnet.fi/kustant/ It's a bit hard to rank them, but here is the ranking list The WSOY Group is Finland's largest publishing house and the market leader in general literature and educational materials: http://www.wsoy.fi/ The Edita Group: http://www1.edita.fi/ Gummerus Kustannus Oy http://www.gummerus.fi/kustannus/ Otava publishing company http://www.otava.fi/ and Weilin+Göös Oy http://www.wg.fi/ Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi http://www.tammi.net/ Some of the publishing companies homepages contain the information only in finnish. If you are looking for publishing companies which specialise on some area, e.g. medicine then then the ranking list would be would be different. The medcine publishing company is Kustannus Oy Duodecim http://www.duodecim.fi/kustannus/

Finnish Book Publishers Association (Suomen Kustannusyhdistys) will give you more information
Address:P.O.Box 177 (Lönnrotinkatu 11 A) FIN-00121 -Helsinki, Finland Telephone:+358-9-228 77250 Telefax:+358-9-612 1226 E-mail: finnpubl@skyry.pp.fi Internet: http://www.sky.cultnet.fi

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