All I need is information on "Immigration policies." I have to write an 800-1000 word essay using research to back my argument.


All I need is information on "Immigration policies." I have to write an 800-1000 word essay using research to back my argument.


Last updated

The Finnish Ministry of Labour migration affairs http://www.mol.fi/migration/pateng.html briefly on immigration to Finland http://www.mol.fi/migration/lyheng.html and migration affairs links http://www.mol.fi/migration/molinkit.html

The Finnish Ministry of Finance Citizen's guide for immigrants and emigrants http://www.opas.vn.fi/english/index.html

Metropolis - Journal of International Migration and Integration http://jimi.metropolis.net/

You can search items in the Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen city libraries' common bibliographics database Plussa http://www.libplussa.fi/#en here are some examples: Matinheikki-Kokko, Kaija: Challenges of working in a cross-cultural environment University of Jyväskylä 1997. Segal, Aaron: An atlas of international migration London 1993. To make the world safe for diversity--towards an understanding of multi-cultural societies, Tumba, 1992. Sullay, Lammin: How to stay under 10mk a day and live like a Finn!--the ultimate guide to living, working and surviving in Finland Kaarina, 1998

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