My great grandfather was born 8.3.1838 and christened 15.4.1838 in the village of Kyrkby before Kuusamo was established. I understand that Kuusamo was not…


My great grandfather was born 8.3.1838 and christened 15.4.1838 in the village of Kyrkby before Kuusamo was established. I understand that Kuusamo was not established until 1868. Where and what was Kyrkby. It doesn't sound very Finnish.


Last updated

After consulting the history of Kuusamo, only in finnish, I am sad to say, I can inform you, that Kyrkbyn, which means Kirkonkylä in finnish and actually Church village was situated where Kuusamo center is today.
Kirkonkylä was allways very small with only four houses, the priest and other church officals lived there.
The village was complety destroid during the War in Lapland, World war II, and rebuilt in the fifties. A big hotel was constructed there The Hotelli Kuusamo.
This is a translation from
Seppo Ervasti: Kuusamon matkailun vaiheita

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